boxinboy82's blog

Arm injury

tag team boxing

I know some have thought of this, but has anyone actually tried it? If so how far did u go and what rules did you use? I mean I'd love to see a match go to ko like this, both fighters from one team have to have been koed or tkod once during fight for win, round limit.... 20???? Maybe 12 to start with. Since if u tagged out during time u were tired or loosing, u would get more rest but only water and cut treatments. What do u guys think?

Édité dernierement le 24/11/2017 19:10 par boxinboy82; 8 commentaire(s)

help with trunks

Ok I am looking for very wide waistband long boxing trunks. Any suggestions on where to get some that won't break the bank please? Thanks guys!

Édité dernierement le 30/12/2016 07:26 par boxinboy82; 2 commentaire(s)