No Trading of Copyrighted Material

Ironbull (93)

28/5/2016 18:18

Is there any objection to posting vintage wrestling photos ?



07/6/2016 15:34

(C'est une réponse)

None, assuming that you are the copyright owner. If it is someone else's, then please don't post it here.



02/3/2016 11:50

This is a public service announcement.

Please do not use this forum (or in fact, any other part of this site) for copyright infringement. Unauthorized copying and sharing of videos by production companies and individuals is copyright infringement and is detrimental to the future production of new videos. So please don't do it. It is not, as you might rationalize it, a victimless crime.

Support wrestlers and production companies by buying their videos, or just don't watch them.

To clarify, this is policy against sharing of files. Selling your used original DVD's is fine.


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