MeetFightersMeetFightersPartage de liens vers des vidéos et photosSexiest pro bout? Sexiest pro bout? Silentheel (0)08/1/2017 12:06 I personally think that the following bout is one of the sexiest I have seen. This bout, from France and probably from the 70s or the 80s, is what pro wrestling should be. Oh, and those two wrestlers (especially that silver fox) are attractive ;-) Traduction Tu dois te connecter pour déposer un commentaire. Connecte-toi si tu souhaites publier un sujet ici.
Silentheel (0)
08/1/2017 12:06I personally think that the following bout is one of the sexiest I have seen. This bout, from France and probably from the 70s or the 80s, is what pro wrestling should be. Oh, and those two wrestlers (especially that silver fox) are attractive ;-)