This is frustrating!!

Tynesider (84)

15/5/2020 07:53

Frequently. It is a downside of this site but more than made up with the positives.


chocolate thunder (0 )

12/5/2020 03:05

Why do people create an account on here and then "suddenly" they are no longer a member? This has happened quite a few times now to me. They sometimes even make plans for cyber match and send messages back and forth and then suddenly they are no longer a member. What's the point?

Has anyone else been frustrated like this?


NYC Wrestling (66)

19/5/2020 21:55

(C'est une réponse)

I think guys who do that may be in a relationship and are scared to take chances, or else their boyfriends found out about it. I have a fantasy that when I contact someone who I find hot, and they immediately delete their profile, it’s because they live in my building and are too apprehensive about having a playmate in the same building.

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