calling all London wrestlers - can you recommend a class near Waterloo?

WrestoBG (50)

21/11/2014 16:46

London Hunters in West London also have classes 3 times a week at 7 pm. As You are in London, most classes are mixed - beginners and more skilled.


luttefrance (36)

20/11/2014 00:49

depends what sort of wrestling you're after. if it's olympic freestyle you want the tokei club at london bridge - workout is tough but really good for technique, top coaches

the tokei centre also hosts classes in bjj and other martial arts:


FitScot (38)

20/11/2014 08:19

(C'est une réponse)

Thanks will look into that one. I do need a class that can accommodate a beginner though. Cbeers


FitScot (38)

19/11/2014 17:05

I am staying in Waterloo for a couple of nights. One of the nights I am after a wrestling class to go to, having recently taken up wrestling and will miss my class back home. Can anyone recommend a school within easy travelling of Waterloo? I know there is Diesel training so can anyone recommend them? All advice appreciated! Cheers.

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