Alternative Wrestling Games

Opponent chooses the rules

Dennis (1)

25/2/2021 14:28

Have often let opponent set rules/limits.


bostongrapple (25)

22/11/2020 23:02

I think it would be fun to do some kind of cam/video match on Skype or IG where my opponent gets to make up all the rules, sends them to me before the match, and I just have to roll with whatever he came up with and follow the scenario. Anyone ever have a match like this?


SmoothApeMan (9)

25/10/2021 04:58

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Yes, Ape Man is always a fair honest gentleman, alway competes fair and by the rules. Also willing to have a pre-contest to see who gets to make the rules or let the smaller, weaker opponent set/change the rules to even things out.


TX bull (22 )

24/2/2021 07:57

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I have done this and had a blast. The jobber I was taking on was very creative in his options and pushed me into scenarios I would not normally do.


GuyOtt (0)

25/2/2021 12:57

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Agreed hose are great.

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