Alternative Wrestling Games

fight the wild beast

Rovky35Wpt (24)

15/10/2019 16:04

Hi. Irgendwie nice der Gedanke!
Wenn sich mehr finden, warum nicht?


naturbursche (27)

14/10/2019 21:37

outdoor wrestling game

where to play: outdoor in the woods, clearing, with soft ground, wet soil, clay or mud. area is limited.

three to ten or more player
at the beginning everyone gets three leather bracelets, one around each ankle and one on the left wrist. you may only fight, if you are barefoot and bare chest. usually wearing shorts (jeans or leather or...)
group of wrestlers stray around in the limited game area. when you meet an opponent, you either go for him catch him and start to wrestle or you hide yourself. you may only wrestle when you are on soft ground without stones or sticks. no scratches no bites and no rip and strip allowed. every fight goes till surrender, every fight is three rounds, the winner takes a leather bracelet from the looser. after surrender the winner must not get for the same opponent again.

when you have no more leather bracelets, you will turn to a "wild beast". if there is more than one wildebeast, they act as group and fight two vs one.

wild beast are creamed with coconut oil. they fight catfight style, and the may rip and strip your cloth, and they may punch you. if a wild beast will win (after three rounds) it will take ab bracelet from you.

game is over when one has more than six bracelets - he will be the official king of the jungle

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