
Long held bearhug with extras

Juggernaut (0)

03/1/2020 08:29

Never got to an erotic stage of a bearhug. Although some of my opponents might feel otherwise. One even said to me "that felt good." I always figured he was taunting me, since that wasn't my intention. I was showing off my overwhelming strength (after his wise cracks) since it was also lifted.

Anyway, my longest bearhug battle lasted nearly half an hour. I remember it feeling exhilarating (in retrospect), but nothing pleasant and certainly nothing erotic. We both held on to each other panting like race horses battling for dominance rolling around and refusing to give.

Finally, after nearly 30 minutes and soaked in a pool of sweat I heard my opponent whisper "I give up". We both let go but neither of us could move for the next 10 minutes. He was a bully btw, so I was prepared for a "to the death" battle before I let him win.


rassler (4)

30/9/2019 15:14

Very hot! Mutual bearhugs are the best, but nipple playing can also be very erotic and stimulating while applying different holds.
Did you also get hard while doing it?


Will the wrestler (2 )

28/9/2019 20:27

I had a match recently that was a lot of fun. I love to use the bearhug so I got him in one pretty quick. I'm a stocky but muscular guy, usually hairy but right now my chest is shaved smooth, and I'm Irish so sweat a lot Haha. He is a good looking guy, 2 years younger than me, and has a smooth, muscular thin body. We were in our
When I wrapped him up in my bearhug, he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed back. It was very erotic. He picked his legs up and locked them behind me. I was still standing. I don't get many opportunities to wrestle much and I hadn't done something like this before so I was rock hard and felt he was too. For a minute we just squeezed each other and it was very exciting. Then he let go of me with his arms, his legs were still around my waist though. He pulled back and I started applying the pressure to him. When I was in my early twenties I had an older man who used to wrestle with me a lot. He taught me how to apply bearhugs to get the guy to submit. Applying pressure a little at a time, during each breath.
I was doing this and I could tell he was enjoying it, when all of a sudden he surprised me. He still had his legs wrapped around me but pulled his chest and shoulders back, then started playing with my nipples, as I was squeezing him. The bearhug is my favorite hold and I get a lot of pleasure out of squeezing a guy anyway, but when he started touching my nips as I bearhugged him, it drove me crazy. It was hot and very erotic! Has anyone else done this or had this happen to them? I would love to do it again.


travilicious (62)

29/9/2019 05:39

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That sounds amazing. Where do I sign up?


Will the wrestler (2 )

29/9/2019 19:24

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It was amazing Travilicious! I'm in Tampa, Florida, come on and see me. I'd love to have it done again, and do it back if the guy wanted.


Lovetobecrushed23 (20)

30/9/2019 16:55

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I would
Love to experience a bearhug like this


Will the wrestler (2 )

02/10/2019 05:13

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I wasn't expecting him to do it to me but it was an experience for sure man.


Anthony Vega (0)

30/9/2019 21:26

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A mí también me gustaría suena grandioso...

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