Choke and strangle

The iron claw movie

New2this 01 (7)

01/1/2024 17:09

If the movie cuts to Zac efron wrapping someone in a chokehold, or lifting someone by the throat, I will spontaneously ejaculate in the cinema, and it will be everyone else’s fault 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chokestud (1)

29/12/2023 08:02

I would love to be strangled, and choked out by Zac Efron, with his bare hands, looking into those blue eyes of his Mr. muscles


muscufort (25)

30/12/2023 13:25

(C'est une réponse)

Who hé is?


Pigboy73 (2)

29/12/2023 14:35

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Same and Harris too


Toronto25 (27 )

28/12/2023 17:38

Is it any good?


Pigboy73 (2)

29/12/2023 14:34

(C'est une réponse)

A little meh. Hot guys . Harris Dickinson . Good wrestling but wish more


Pigboy73 (2)

26/12/2023 17:36

I’m watching the Iron Claw movie today and I think it’s just going to make me want to worship feet and be sleepered in San Diego . What do you think?

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