Cock And Ball Torture

How much ball shots can you take before you go down?

realthing (34)

29/2/2016 18:25

I guess it depends on the kind of blow, direction, intensity... Wanna bet?


Parkinrichard (1)

29/2/2016 18:30

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Well you have a very good point there I agree. The highest ive took is 3 hard kicks to the balls but that was a few year ago. Id like to try and take more.


realthing (34)

29/2/2016 18:35

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3 shots with the neck of the foot or with the ball of the foot?

What if we play a game: kickfight, kicks only, the balls as main target... Who goes down less times wins or until one is done


Parkinrichard (1)

29/2/2016 18:40

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The 3 kicks was from the front part of the foot using a straight upward kick. That game sounds alot of fun. I like the ballbusting game called roshambo which ive always been interested in. Im mainly looking for guys aged from 18-25 but I never have no luck there.


realthing (34)

29/2/2016 18:42

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If u want we can do it


Parkinrichard (1)

29/2/2016 18:47

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Ill think about it but age is always a issue for me sadly.


Parkinrichard (1)

29/2/2016 18:10

Does anyome one here have realy tough nuts. If so how many low blows/ball shots can you take in a row with no break before going down in a heap of agony?

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