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Free Fight

Scheduled fight on December 15th


15/2/2019 10:36

Why hasn't the fight happened yet?


Peter sss (5)

15/4/2019 17:28

(C'est une réponse)

Because of my obligations army and us both free he refuses at my house he wants us to meet in London which is difficult for me!!!



15/4/2019 18:49

(C'est une réponse)

So you expect him to travel but you won't travel?


DM-Boxer (12 )

24/12/2021 08:34

(C'est une réponse)

Yes, some guys here expect others to travel, but won't travel themself. Not unusual here


Friskie (8 )

16/2/2019 06:19

(C'est une réponse)

Peter_SSS keeps postponing it. I think he got scared.


Peter sss (5)

15/4/2019 17:25

(C'est une réponse)

I'm not scared of you bitch


herb (31)

14/4/2019 15:44

(C'est une réponse)

whatever became of this fight? did it happen and if so where can we view it?


herb (31)

03/1/2019 10:19

Any plans to get this match set?


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

09/12/2018 02:31

skyping it?


herb (31)

08/12/2018 11:46

Look forward to seeing this.


Ryno (5)

08/12/2018 05:14

I wanna see this if it goes down.


celticfight (0)

16/12/2018 05:14

(C'est une réponse)

wonder if it really happened


JM28601 (13 )

16/12/2018 14:41

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They had to reschedule because of events in France... I have faith these two will meet and battle it out.


bayridgefighter (3 )

16/12/2018 14:48

(C'est une réponse)

Thanks for informing us we'll know in the next few days with all the anxiety going on there and elsewhere in the crazy world.. try to be observant and safe everyone


Peter sss (5)

16/12/2018 18:48

(C'est une réponse)

Thanks I'm trying to today at home after a hectic week


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

07/12/2018 17:48

like to see let us know where to get it maybe just post the link


ChiFight (6 )

07/12/2018 07:05

Best of luck in the fight. Hoping for a KO. May the better man win.


Friskie (8 )

07/12/2018 15:26

(C'est une réponse)

Thanks ChiFight.


Peter sss (5)

11/12/2018 20:33

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Hey bart I'm going to fuck you up good


Friskie (8 )

11/12/2018 21:27

(C'est une réponse)

Hey Peter, that's all fine with me. It's just that I will fuck you up ten times more. And then some. My winning signature will score very good on the porn channels. And you will love it and ask me for more.


Slugfest (16)

15/12/2018 15:52

(C'est une réponse)

Is the fight happening today? I'm excited to see this go down!


JM28601 (13 )

12/12/2018 13:23

(C'est une réponse)

Sounds like a good fight building up. Friskie you've got this. Looking forward to seeing you "stick" it to him good and deep.


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

12/12/2018 07:15

(C'est une réponse)

Looking forward to seeing this happen!!


Peter sss (5)

11/12/2018 21:50

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You can't fight or fuck a paper bag cock sucker


Peter sss (5)

10/12/2018 17:40

(C'est une réponse)

Due to events here in France we have had to postpone our fight until 2019 sorry guys i was so looking forward to it.


RuffFightChallenge (77)

11/12/2018 02:35

(C'est une réponse)

Quel dommage!!


bayridgefighter (3 )

07/12/2018 05:46

Man wish I was there to fight you all either to win OR to get clobbered by by you all grrrrrrrrr!!!.. I hope this video tape will get posted but I don't know if meet Fighters will post the final victory of the champion finishing off his adversary


Friskie (8 )

07/12/2018 15:28

(C'est une réponse)

We'll probably have to post it elsewhere. Keep you posted.


aawrstlman (27 )

09/12/2018 03:42

(C'est une réponse)

Sounds awesome!


bayridgefighter (3 )

07/12/2018 23:38

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Fearing the strict rules that meetfighters has. Maybe go through it I'm talk about it with them first and eventually if they say no then give. Them an edited version... not the full feature and then put a link on the full event .. and maybe instead of putting complete edited version maybe little bits in different video clips of each match.. just an idea by the way how long do you think it will be the fight 1 Hour 2 hours 3


Friskie (8 )

10/12/2018 14:10

(C'est une réponse)

I respect the strict rules of Meetfighters. I don't want to cause them trouble. They have to obey rules as well, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for penalties they might be given.
Still, there are enough other channels to post it. I don't think this fight will last longer then 30 minutes. And even that would be very long for a fight like this.


bayridgefighter (3 )

11/12/2018 10:59

(C'est une réponse)

You're right there's plenty of other venues so thanks for your reply take caring train will for this fight everybody


Peter sss (5)

11/12/2018 08:40

(C'est une réponse)

We will film it and find somewhere to post it..Ok


Friskie (8 )

06/12/2018 21:05

Hey Guys, this topic is to let you all know that December 15th 2018 Peter_sss and myself will fight each other. We will fight naked without any rules. The first fighter to seed his opponent wins. The entire match will be recorded and posted on Meetfighters if the posting guidelines allow for it. If not, the match will be published on one of the streaming services.


JM28601 (13 )

10/12/2018 15:55

(C'est une réponse)

Glad to see you back and fighting. Can't wait to see you seed him. Have fun!


RuffFightChallenge (77)

09/12/2018 00:04

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Will you be gloved (e.g., MMA gloves) or barenux? Very hot scene. Will the loser also be KO'd or is it just enough to be penetrated?

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