Gutpunching give/take/trade

Fist sunk in

slimp (0)

25/10/2021 04:12

I have some control over how hard I flex. That in combination with doing nothing to strengthen my abs, allows a fist to sink in pretty quickly anyway. It took more punches when I was younger, but I'd stretch my abs, and if the puncher wasn't very strong, suck my gut in, not to the extreme, but enough to make my abs concave. That'd usually let fists sink in regardless of flexion.

I often think about letting someone who's been bullied a lot, take his frustrations and pent up anger out on my gut. Maybe I'd have someone convince him I really was a bully, and supply him with ankle weights he could wear on his wrists, so he could hear some really intense and satisfying grunts, forced out of me, while his fists sink in, displacing my intestines.


Belly Punch (3)

24/10/2021 14:25

I prefer giving and receiving sucker punches to the gut and belly, masculine grunting and groaning is a huge turn on! Merci de te connecter pour voir les photos des galeries.


Dunlabp2 (7)

24/10/2021 10:58

Definitely prefer the feel of a fist sinking in over the slap/sting against flexed abs as well-I just don't relax so easy as well. There is an amicability in resilliency for me, but relaxed is simply more directly/personally enjoyable here as well.


Challenge3 (49)

24/10/2021 14:28

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I agree, I just can't relax my abs when I know there going to get hit. I like the feeling of stopping the hits and hearing that thud. I like seeing the facial expressions of the opponent both hitting me and then me hitting him.


Doublemeover (0)

24/10/2021 11:55

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I absolutely agree. I try to do it to myself pudhbin real deep


slimp (0)

24/10/2021 03:39

Hence the reason I'm fond of sucker punches. Some here want to show how tough they are by taking a lot of punches with solid abs. I just want to feel them sink in, and hear the sounds that come out of me when they do. That's why my fetish/fantasy role is that of an arrogant, punk, loser, that gets interrogated with gut punches.


Doublemeover (0)

24/10/2021 03:45

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You and me the same bud


JayPuncher (11)

23/10/2021 08:55

I'm into it that way too! I love the fist digging deep into the stomach or belly and knocking the air out. It's a real rush! Sometimes you've got to break down the body first with those punches that just bounce of a set of abs until the abs can't be flexed anymore and the fists can then dig deep!


Doublemeover (0)

23/10/2021 11:43

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Amen brother. Gold me over get the air out hurts so good


Doublemeover (0)

22/10/2021 20:28

Does anyone else like it when gist sinks in deep takes breath away. Kinda give a oooof ummmmp. When I'm flexed it just stings


stomachpunch (5)

24/10/2021 13:22

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I really like it especially when the fist is buried in the stomach and the other continues to emit those sounds.

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