Gutpunching give/take/trade

Small wimpy guy beating up big muscle guy

Declan16 (0 )

03/11/2021 22:54

I have been thru this few times, just because the big guy took me lightly Merci de te connecter pour voir les photos des galeries.



02/11/2021 12:55

Lots of guys under 6 feet seem to have an attitude, some claim it's an inferiority complex aggravated when their around bigger guys, a "Short guy Complex" if you will. When they decide to attack, it's often explosive.


PopsBearBrawler (5)

02/11/2021 14:38

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Trust me, most short men do not have an "inferiority complex". We just don't see height or weight being a deciding factor in a fight.


PJBoxxxer1 (7 )

02/11/2021 06:46

Popeye was a smaller guy!


PopsBearBrawler (5)

31/10/2021 16:11

Well, I'm not wimpy but I am a short man who loves working over big men in real time with real punches. From gut punching to nhb beatdown.


BigScorpio55 (5 )

30/10/2021 20:26

It happened with me years ago. My opponent was 160 where I was 220 at the time. He herded me toward the wall and sank some shots just above my navel. He didn't do the speedbag approach nor try to push his fist in after landing the punch. I had a few more sessions with him after that.


Challenge3 (49)

30/10/2021 14:40

Man, I would like to experience such a match. A twink taking my ab shots and working my gut over completely during a good long wrestling match. Taking hits to his abs, but still coming back to deliver more and take more. That would be the best.



29/10/2021 13:24

Never underestimate a rival cause your bigger than him. Years ago went to an after hours "open minded" bar with my then wife, real drunk with an attitude, I started a scene with a much smaller and very gay guy that left me beat up, took a week to heal up, as well as a trip to the doctor the next day. A life changer for me.


Jigglybelly251 (0)

29/10/2021 19:30

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Agreed. I got beat up by someone half my size. I vividly remember getting bruised ribs, a bloody nose, and the wind knocked out of me in about 10 seconds.


Doublemeover (0)

29/10/2021 13:45

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Gutpunches and face punches 👊


slimp (0)

03/9/2021 04:23

I'm not a big muscle guy. I'm pretty average, a bit slender in fact. I do like the idea of being unexpectedly and humiliatingly defeated by an underdog. I like the role of an arrogant, conceited wimp, or villain who gets pinned against a wall and gutpunched repeatedly by a very unlikely looking guy, for example someone who looks weak, soft and dumpy. I like contrasts in body type, disposition, color, height, gender, apparent advantage, whatever. I've thought about being gut-pummeled by a dwarf, or being restrained, so someone in a wheelchair can take their frustrations out on my gut. An audience adds a lot to it, I agree.


Doublemeover (0)

02/9/2021 13:28

Does this scenario do anything for anyone else. Its my fantasy to have little wimp gutpunch me in front of a crowd or girl. People expect me to win in shock im getting my ass kicked


JayPuncher (12)

28/10/2021 17:07

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Yeah, I think that would be hot! The cocky big guy gives the little guy a free punch and he's completely doubled over by a shot to his solar plexus then as he's standing up the little goes to work on his gut with deep punishing punches into his stomach...


Doublemeover (0)

28/10/2021 17:22

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That's my fantasy

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