Lift and carry funs

Skinny lifters?

Joey24 (3)

30/12/2022 09:02

same here! anyone have pictures or videos to share of being lifted by smaller dudes?


James Brady (1)

13/8/2023 17:14

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I have several. Anyone who’s interested, message me personally for those vids. I’m 285 lbs here, recently was squatted, and carried the entire length of a football field by a 165 lb kid. It’s possible. He also held a plank position with me on top, held a hands and knees position for over 2 and half minutes….fireman’s carry….everything. Most freakish feats I’ve ever experienced. And I outweighed him by 120 pounds.


Bícepsquedadebraco (0)

15/1/2023 10:37

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I have some video from me IM Very smaller


TexasSlim (0)

09/3/2023 21:34

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137 pounds but it is all muscle! You look great


Cavalier 89 (24)

31/3/2022 11:56

Qui capable de me porter et soulever ?


Zepheshow (30)

31/3/2022 07:42

I can vouch for the strength of two of the guys on here. Short Mick (posted below) is incredibly strong and cradle, front lifted, racked and piggybacking me with ease despite a weight difference of over 30kg! Another guy (sadly no longer on here) was only 55kg - extremely slim but freakishly strong . He not only lifted me but would crunch up and down from the knees. Personally, the thrill of being lifted by a much lighter guy trumps any experience I have had with a muscle guy!


Easywrestler I (1)

15/1/2023 11:01

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Same for me, much prefer to be lifted by smaller guy - muscle guy should be able to lift so its no big deal


Giwreh (0)

28/12/2022 13:10

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Strongbear (6)

31/3/2022 06:31

My strongest lifters have been the smallest ones too. Even at my biggest (330 lbs) a lot of guys were able to give me piggyback rides. They were surprised they could do it!


froliftee (15)

06/1/2020 06:11

The smallest guy to lift me was around 145 lbs and half a foot shorter. I requested a piggyback, which he did. I’m under 140 myself and he found it easier than expected.


froliftee (15)

31/12/2022 21:13

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Since my last post, the lightest person to lift me was 135 lbs (61 kg). He lifted me various ways, and even cradled me for over a minute. I only outweighed him by about 5 lbs, but I was still impressed.
Otherwise it's not common for me because most guys, especially the ones who enjoy lifting, are heavier than myself. I imagine if I met a 100 lb lifter for instance, he could manage piggyback at least.


Giwreh (0)

08/3/2023 17:36

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Everything would be un-common and special to me, because just nobody at all "wants" to lift me.
(I'm in Belgium, and it's an amazing taboo thing to do, here)


Kaijuman (2 )

10/7/2019 07:12

I'm wondering if there's any smaller or "skinny" guys out there who like lifting and being the lifter, and might even be pretty good at it. I've met several smaller guys who were one of those "strong-for-their-size" types and are pretty amazing! I've seen some lift nearly twice their size. I've been well over 200 pounds (90kg) most of my life, and have known a few guys under 170 pounds (78kg) who could lift me easily.
I'd love to hear stories or even chat. Cheers!


Juggernaut (0)

05/1/2020 18:46

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Yeah strong enough to lift you, but here's the problem: leverage. I've met plenty of bodybuilder short guys (even 5'4) that were strong enough to lift me but as soon as they do we both topple over.

I don't know how tall you are so it might work for you. But for someone tall like me (6'4) you have to have enough base weight not just to lift someone, but to hold them stable was well.

Imagine trying to lift a 10 ft poll by its end. You might be able to stand it up for a moment but then its going to topple right out of your hands.

One reason why I won't wrestle guys that are way shorter than me. At least not aggressively. Its just too awkward.

As for skinny lifters, I've had them lift me too just enough to collapse like a straw house under a concrete roof an instant later.


Bícepsquedadebraco (0)

01/1/2023 06:46

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Só please i really want THAT U LIFT CARRY Very skynny and If its possíble i wanna that LIFT me Just one arm please If can this i give and make for ALL u want and need. Love uor muscle.. message me can come tô u seriously


ShortMick (47)

10/1/2020 00:59

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I may be able to lift you. Being short gives me a lower centre of gravity. As you're tall, you weight is more distributed, making you easier to lift.
My heaviest lift was a 6ft6 man who weight 225lbs - I managed a piggyback, front lift, cradle and nearly an OTS (it was my first time trying one)


Juggernaut (0)

29/12/2022 06:08

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In reality its just the opposite. The physics cannot be denied.


Bícepsquedadebraco (0)

01/1/2023 06:47

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And bytheway i had some oponnents for u


Giwreh (0)

30/3/2022 15:15

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It is wonderfull ! :-)


Kaijuman (2 )

08/1/2020 07:28

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I’m 6’2, and I’ve been lifted many times by people smaller than me. At that height, most people are shorter than me anyways. It sometimes takes a bit of practice to get the balance right, and I usually have to assist shifting my weight, but it’s been done. I had a short guy who was only 5’2 but was built like a bull dog. He through my across his shoulders and carried me down a hallway. LOL It can be done depending on the kind of lift, and sometimes does take a bit of practice.


Bícepsquedadebraco (0)

01/1/2023 06:49

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Please i REALLY WANT that u LIFT Very skynny 1.77m and 60kg


Juggernaut (0)

29/12/2022 06:12

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That's still never a good idea. Its inherent unstable, and the shorter will always sacrifice the taller to avoid any injury. Good luck with that.


trampletop (4)

11/7/2019 03:02

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I also like being lifted & carried by little guys who are strong for their size, who have a hidden or unknown strength.
What's you go to method of being carried? Shoulder riding is my favorite. 🙂


Kaijuman (2 )

11/7/2019 05:28

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I find a few compliments can go a long way. LOL
Usually I try to start off with something easy, and then see just how far they'll go. I've had a few even attempt an overhead press.

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