Milking Matches

Best way to quickly weaken your opponent in a multi cum match

Biceplover (1)

13/9/2023 10:13

Cum 5 times in a match???? What do you eat? 😂 I thought I was healthy cumming 2 or maybe 3 times one evening .......


Demonfire2 (0)

13/9/2023 19:52

(C'est une réponse)

So I also didn’t set any kind of time parameter, so we could be talking an hour, or 24. But also, setting a higher than what’s considered normal number is to ensure there isn’t a clear cut winner from just the first load spilled



13/9/2023 19:09

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naturally heavy cummers can cum 3-4 times an hours.
I'm really into cum and asked a few doctor friends of mine if there was something to increase the frequency of orgasms in an hour.
They all mentioned supplementation with zinc. So I started taking zinc about 3 years ago. I don't know if it was mental suggestions, but now I can cum and be "fully charged" in about 10 minutes.
So kudos to zinc.
Like I mentioned, I'm really into cum and so are many of my regulars.
It's a fetish.



14/9/2023 07:07

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Zinc can be dangerous if too much is ingested. Also, it will destroy the sense of smell, and it does not return, ever. I lost mine due to zinc throat lozenges in the 1980s.



14/9/2023 17:57

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Fuck...that's a long time to be without smell. Shame.

That's why I made it clear in my post that my MEDICAL advice and input came from DOCTORS.

Unmitigated use of most everything can pose a health risk. Eat bacon cautiously. That shit will jack up your pumper.

But like any medication or supplementation, use should be monitored by a pro.

For example, I'm amazed how many men use roids unmonitored. Mind you, I have absolutely no problem with roids. That's some strong shit. But for some reason users feel like they have a grasp of their use. Fuck, more power to them. Who am I to tell them what to do.

It's up to each individual to be responsible of supplement and medication use. I guess it's that way with everything.

Sorry for your loss of smell, bro.


Demonfire2 (0)

13/9/2023 00:26

So, I'll set the stage- you're setting up a match, the rules are simple, first one the make the other cum 5 times wins. What's your tactic to make them bust their first load as quickly as possible so you can start them on a downward spiral of degrading stamina that they can't recover from?

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