Milking Matches

Best ways to milk multiple loads

poseidon (5)

27/4/2020 07:57

ogo to porn hub and type you cum you lose it is the one with topher demanjio and alxe hot video


wrestlin (77)

16/3/2020 05:12

I always understood that it took another round for another milking. If you win one round, you can force him into another. but you've still got to wrestle him down, get him pinned down and restrained, and then take it out of him.


Good looker (0)

28/4/2020 07:32

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I make u right


Good looker (0)

17/3/2020 06:01

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Correct. But it shud b easier coz he weakened


AZgrappler (115 )

16/3/2020 05:15

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The two miller’s decide beforehand how they want to conduct the milking one or multiple milkings


Combatsportsfun (4)

17/3/2020 19:26

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Never really thought about having multiple opponents trying to milk one guy lol


wrestlin (77)

16/3/2020 05:17

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I mean, obviously, if its a team of 2 milkers, you need to work out how you are going to work as a team


Good looker (0)

17/3/2020 06:03

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1 puts the good looker 2sleep. While the uva mills him thru his trunks. When he comes round. U let him change & wash his Willy, then the 2 swap rolls. The Miller is now doing the sleeper hold


awill92 (86)

17/3/2020 05:38

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True, have one doing the milling and one keeps the guy locked down and flip around every round


Punchfitguy (1)

17/3/2020 07:19

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Yes man.. this sounds a good way
Two guys totally draining the poor looser many mnay times


awill92 (86)

17/3/2020 14:39

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Exactly, and like Good looker say: should be no problem keeping the guy down for the 2 guys cause then they can squash him back down 2 on 1 and continually milk him till he's shooting empty


Punchfitguy (1)

17/3/2020 14:45

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yes I want that... being made to shoot and shoot and shoot, but still jerked off in obvious pain because my balls would be completely empty...


Flwresler (38)

04/10/2020 03:39

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Oui ! you got it mon ami….. next time i'm to France, I gotta meet up with you n Drain you good..... and if ur to Florida, cum to Tampa or nearby and receive the same....


awill92 (86)

17/3/2020 22:45

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I be down to be on either end of that situation, one of the two dominating and milking a wrestler or being the one being milked unable to stop them


Punchfitguy (1)

15/3/2020 11:28

So lets say I won a match and the loser had to submit to being milked. How many times should we agree he should be milked. Probably best in restraints so he cant struggle to much. What would be the most effective way to force out that cum? Ab punching, dildos, choking, nipple play, forced fucking??


AZgrappler (115 )

16/3/2020 04:56

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You decide before hand . As the winner you get to carry out the winners agreement


Combatsportsfun (4)

15/3/2020 19:48

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I always thought the winner should milk the loser as many times he likes, maybe until he’s dry shooting.


Lookinnsc1 (0)

28/4/2020 20:04

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That is what I would sign up for


Combatsportsfun (4)

28/4/2020 23:38

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I agree, I would go for that challenge.


Good looker (0)

27/4/2020 06:30

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Combat. I make u righr


Combatsportsfun (4)

27/4/2020 16:56

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Of course, but someone has to beat me and earn it!
Can’t make it easy for the winner to milk! Lol

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