Milking Matches

Milking Machine?

Fig4hssleeper (3)

17/2/2021 11:54

I remember getting trapped in a headscissors with the heel on top in a 69 position.He had a massive handlebar moustache and started dusting my cock shaft and deep throating me until I emited.I was trying to pull his bald head away but then he would just full throat my cock until I exploded.


poseidon (5)

18/2/2021 09:46

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just gave me a semi lol


Bear Combat Warrior (10 )

01/9/2021 09:21

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I’d be delighted to offer you a milking match.


wrestlin (77)

17/7/2020 00:46

This is an example of a technique where the heel would use an easily accessible machine to aid him in multiple milkings of the jobber. It doesn't do all the milking itself, but it sure takes a lot of the work out of it for the heel and ensures he's getting as many milkings out of the jobber as possible, with something pretty inexpensive. He's just got to get the jobber pinned down and keep him down, then be able to reach this thing....or have a spectator/wrestling partner pass it over to him.


loyalgrunt (3)

17/2/2021 13:05

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fantasy of mine is my mates and i all strapped down getting milked in milking machines over and over and us all just growing and grunting in ecstacy side by side.


loyalgrunt (3)

16/2/2021 15:30

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fuck yeah please. have one of these wands.


herson 069 (1 )

17/7/2020 20:01

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thank u, i am jacking off


wrestlin (77)

16/7/2020 17:31

Does that include machines like these being used on an opponent to help make multiple milkings easier for the heel?

Or you just mean a totally automated machine?


capt30 (0)

02/9/2021 23:43

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nice meat man


loyalgrunt (3)

16/2/2021 15:31

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fuck that is hot


herson 069 (1 )

16/7/2020 14:18

Does anybody have any pic or vid of that machine?


Mactguy (1)

15/7/2020 15:44

Sounds hot. Loser should just be strapped in for like 30 minutes-1 hour. He’ll definitely get milked a few times then


loyalgrunt (3)

16/2/2021 15:31

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bloody oath mate


Boatstud33 (0)

15/7/2020 17:51

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Good idea u have done this ?


Boatstud33 (0)

14/7/2020 11:09

Be hot have a contest, Have five matches, the guy that loses the most matches Has to be tied down and connected to a milking machine. Loser has to be on all fours, gagged. Loser wears leather cuffs connected to under bed bondage Ropes to his his ankles and wrists. His balls in a ball stretcher on the other side of the bed. Loser takes the milking machine for 10 minutes and if he doesn’t comes that’s OK onto the next five matches and see who that loser is. Could do rip and strip. Guy that gets stripped down to his jockstrap first and Football gear off first, he is the loser when the timer goes off. Both wear jocks, football pants, jerseys, sneakers.


loyalgrunt (3)

17/2/2021 13:03

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would love to accept that challenge.


FreeGrappler (6)

18/7/2020 05:43

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Love this idea and it would be lots of fun to try it out so sign me up. With each loss what about doubling the time (5, 10, 20, 40, 80 minutes) and adding a different secondary/complementing stimulus in milking rounds 2-5 (only two stimuli per round, but maybe it’s more tortuous to have them accumulate to 5 total by the last round. That Venus milking machine ilooks like lots of fun, but I’d bet there’s a tinkering kinkster somewhere who makes a better device for less.



17/7/2020 20:57

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Boatstud33...we need to talk.


ChromeBob (1)

17/7/2020 03:27

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I'd take that challenge. If I lost we'd be going several five-round sets, because ten minutes on the machine wouldn't do it.


markweis (20 )

16/7/2020 22:22

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Wow, i would love to have a match like that with you, boatstud


BennyBoy (7 )

16/7/2020 06:07

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WOOF!!!! Grrrr! Can’t wait to watch you milked!!!


Combatsportsfun (4)

15/7/2020 19:30

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Nice idea!
I can imagine the loser after cumming, he is tortured longer On the milking machine.


GuyOtt (0)

15/7/2020 05:25

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Like the ideas. I have been manually milked for an hour non stop after loosing a match. It totally drained me after the loss.

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