Mixed Wrestling (Men vs. Woman)

Attitude to women on this site ??

Boxerboy91 (13)

18/11/2023 15:40

I can add my two cents here i suppose.

First off, alot of people here said it already, but it is true that of the few female members on this site, its a very rare select few who are genuine. Of those, even fewer are looking to actually wrestle a man. I have known three members here that fit both of those criteria. One is a past opppnent of mine, one was a member a few years ago who has left, and one is my own wife.

Of those three, only one of them remain here, and that is my past opponent, who remains a great friend of mine.

I can use my wife's experience to amswer the question of what the experience is like for women. And yes, in general, guys act REALLY creepy here when messaging a female member.

Imagine first, how chaotic and creepy guys can be toward women in the dating world...then add the fact that this site is specifically catered to the fact that people are looking to, in some capacity, inflict violence on each other. It makes for a nasty combination. In the end, my wife was so disgusted and disappointed in the way people talked to her that she shut down her profile and decided to use my profile to look at possible matches, and prefers to let me help set them up for safety reasons.

Of course, i don't mean to say every guy here is like that towards a female member, but its a frighteningly large majority of them that send a message.

Another factor is of course that this is by majority, a gay site. Of the members who are respectful of women, there arent many who are interested in wrestling with women. I have had several opponents who she has watched me roll with that have respectfully declined when she wanted to have a turn. It never hurt her feelings or anything, but it IS a reality.

So, with all of that in mind, women who actually like to wrestle generally move toward FetLife. That site has a plethora of potential male AND female opponents, and the community is a bit more diverse for this kink in general. (I don't say that to bash MF at all. Just that women in particular have far better luck there.)

Anyway, theres my input that no one asked for 😂


Wrestlingfan2023 (0)

18/11/2023 07:41

Id want to wrestle a real woman maybe two


WrestleMB (0)

17/11/2023 20:38

Damn shame there aren't more!


dirtybarefet (0)

17/11/2023 02:02

sounds right


KOFistBoxer (1)

14/11/2023 21:18

I joined this group (temporarily) to help answer this question.

First off you guys must realize there are approximately 20,670 members on this site and only 80 are listed as female. That means only about 0.387% (a little over one third of one percent) of the members are even claiming to be female in the first place.

Of that 80 or so, a sad fact is a large majority (I'd estimate 70-90%) on this site and others like it are just men pretending to be women because they get off on it in one way or another. A dead giveaway is single pic or very few pictures that look like they were plucked off a social media page (posed pics that don't look like they are meant to be athletic in any way) with little to no specific details about any past training or experience, and a quickly disappearing or never updated profile. I think most are guys pretending to be women who are looking for actual women to cyber with and vanish when they don't find any or their ruse is called out.

Out of the very small number who are real, most are members of couples who are looking for other couples or women, because she already has a partner who is excited by it OR they are session wrestlers who charge money for it, even though to the best of my knowledge that is supposedly against the terms of service on this site.

Straight or bisexual women who are looking for single men to wrestle for free are virtually non-existent, and even if one or two of these unicorns do exist their inbox is probably overflowing with other guys trying to get their time and attention, most of whom wouldn't be near or appeal to them anyway.

You need to understand their mentality is much different. If they are interested in legitimate wrestling matches (or any other combat sport) they are likely looking for other women they would be physically well matched against. If their interest is sexual in nature they are usually already either with a guy who got them into it and/or are still primarily looking for other women.

There are definitely not loads of women joining sites like this to find men to wrestle just to provide those men with their fantasy. The vast majority of members are gay or bisexual men looking for other men, with a tiny sprinkling of couples thrown in... but straight guys looking for women to provide their fantasy for free are pretty much just dreaming... and have little to no chance of finding that on one of these sites.

Their best option either start a regular relationship with a woman and try to get her into it, join some kind of BJJ gym that has female members and pray she takes an interest in you, or get ready to pay for it.

Best case you have hundreds or thousands of guys on the site interested in women, and maybe 20-30 actual women who are either already taken (in many cases the guy will actually even run or have access to her profile) or who charge hundreds an hour for it. Basically the supply is infinitesimal compared to the demand, and even in the case of a rare unicorn there would be a ton of competition for it. I'm sure people wish the situation was different, but I think it's better to know and accept the reality, than waste a ton of time and effort on the longest of long-shots. Hope this is of help.


Sidlutta (2)

17/11/2023 08:47

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Nailed it. I don't bother with finding women here.

I actually find them in the day to day life. I introduced wrestling to one lady I just met online days ago.we are going to meet first then she will want to try it. She's very interested and yes she's definitely a female 😊


ks56 (8)

16/11/2023 21:40

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I agree, you are spot on!


Midwest Catfighter (0)

16/11/2023 21:06

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holy!!! this is BANG ON accurate


SmoothNmuscled (5)

25/10/2023 18:01

Majority of the women on here are men pretending to be women. Also Women don’t have the same competitive spirit


BerkshireGuy (1)

15/11/2023 23:59

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Agree with your first point, but not with your second…


E Willie (0)

25/10/2023 08:35

My guess would be that guys on here are probably just flat out creeping them out. I think that I am respectful towards the ladies here, and I’m not even wanting to have sex with anyone here. It’s just not a safe thing for women to meet strange men from online to wrestle.


big belly (0)

24/10/2023 23:52

After speaking to one woman said guy son here dont kno whow to respect ladies, there more then just sex objects so maybe if guys wer nices they'd stay around longer


Stf67 (0)

24/10/2023 14:24

After several conversations and observations, on average ladies only stay on this site for 2-4 weeks and then leave, and I was just wondering why.

Is it not what they expected or they can’t find what they’re looking for ?
They can’t find any matches ?
Do they get abusive, sexual, mysoginistic messages which puts them off ?


Medic20 (10)

25/10/2023 15:43

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While I have no imperial evidence, I suspect you are spot on.

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