Interested in connecting with other couples near Myrtle Beach, SC USA for couple v. couple matches. We are married and are very real. You must have a female partner to meet with us! We would love to find a couple in our area who can meet on a regular basis. She is 5'5" 165 and I am 5'8" 230. We are in great shape and can host. We have a pool and spa in the back yard for water wrestling if that interests anyone.
Medic20 (8)
02/6/2023 17:17Interested in connecting with other couples near Myrtle Beach, SC USA for couple v. couple matches. We are married and are very real. You must have a female partner to meet with us! We would love to find a couple in our area who can meet on a regular basis. She is 5'5" 165 and I am 5'8" 230. We are in great shape and can host. We have a pool and spa in the back yard for water wrestling if that interests anyone.
Hazard wrestling (0)
03/6/2023 05:32(C'est une réponse)
Sounds like a great deal