Mixed Wrestling (Men vs. Woman)

Did I Join just a dude site? Lol

fightape (5)

14/4/2020 01:44

Southernkind would love to take you on sometime when this virus is done with if your interested.


luttemixte (0)

09/4/2020 06:44

Bonjour et en France c’est encore pire. Il n’y a pas une femme qui veuille lutter contre un homme.


Ohiofemwrestler (1)

09/4/2020 05:25

wow MixedWrestler Michael. I am SHOCKED that no female has stepped up to meet a strange man from the internet for a fight,,,especially since you ask so politely and respectfully. It really is a head scratcher. From reading all your posts you seem like a sane and safe guy. lol


Mixedwrestler Michael (0)

09/4/2020 23:38

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As for you Ohiofemwrestler i don't why you should care what i do your profile says you prefer to wrestle women so why you say something when you have no interest what i do


Ohiofemwrestler (1)

09/4/2020 23:43

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I will take "Run- on Sentences with no Punctuation" for 300, please Alex



11/4/2020 15:08

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Not trying to stir the pot,,but that is dam funny Ohiofemwrestler.


Liao51 (0)

10/4/2020 18:20

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Bwahaha! I like you


Liao51 (0)

11/4/2020 20:18

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Ohio. She’s funny and spitting some truth.


Mixedwrestler Michael (0)

09/4/2020 23:46

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I think you are scared to wrestle a guy cuz someone could beat you


Mixedwrestler Michael (0)

09/4/2020 22:04

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If you were joking it wasnt funny no offense and i am safe and sane if anyone cares


MightyMo (0)

09/4/2020 10:49

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He’s amazing isn’t he in his approach to mixed wrestling 😂😂😂


Mixedwrestler Michael (0)

09/4/2020 22:05

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Are you both making fun of me?


MightyMo (0)

11/4/2020 00:30

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We were just pointing out that you go the wrong way about getting a mixed match. Now it may be just the way you write your posts but it comes across as aggressive at times. I have been involved in mixed wrestling on the Internet for 30 years off and on, back in the days when you only had text type groups to use with no web based stuff. I know from those 30 years that you need to get to know possible opponents first by just getting a conversation going, yes later on when you have established the rapport the banter can start about who is weaker etc but you won’t get very many responses if you start off by calling them scared or weak to face you. I was doing a lot of cyber wrestling for about 6 months last year and a lot of Far Eastern guys seemed to have that attitude and they very rarely got any cyber bouts and in a lot of cases got blocked by the females who were willing to wrestle men. So please take this post as constructive criticism as it may help you in the future 😀


Mixedwrestler Michael (0)

11/4/2020 21:38

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I messaged you mighty mo


MightyMo (0)

12/4/2020 15:15

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Not seen any messages from you I’m afraid.


Southernkind (0 )

08/4/2020 05:04

I just joined- um was expecting more women- is this a gay site mainly? I don’t want to offend or be offensive. I’m straight- but will wrestle make or females. I was a pro independent wrestler a few years back. Looking to train and practice on people and make new friends. I don’t mind bi gay women to wrestle - I have no biases on who I wrestle.


Pie R SQ (3)

09/4/2020 14:40

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Yes it seem they are mostly gay or bi guys on this site. I am straight, but still wrestle all. Lots of guys wrestle for fun, not gay sex.
Me personally. I would Wrestle you if I had the chance without traveling 1000's of miles.
If I had a chance. I would love to wrestle 2 on 1 with two 30 stone women. It would be a battle that I have no chance of winning. Anyway, trying to find SSBBW to Wrestle in the UK is not an easy task.
Good luck and wish that everyone get through this pandemic, in good health.
Pie x


Mixedwrestler Michael (0)

08/4/2020 19:57

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Im straight and im trying to find the toughest female to take me on all i found is wimps and session wrestlers they act like hookers


Pie R SQ (3)

09/4/2020 22:22

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Why not contact one of the mixed wrestling film companies. Offer yourself up for a competitive match. I am sure you would get a tough match


Mixedwrestler Michael (0)

09/4/2020 23:06

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Im not big on being on film thanks for the help


Grapplingtosubmit (5 )

08/4/2020 10:21

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There are indeed mainly gay people on here, straight like us are pretty rare - women even more :)

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