Mixed Wrestling (Men vs. Woman)

See if any one would pay to punch my fat gut

Punchmyguthard (0)

07/8/2022 03:13

I'd be glad to punch you back hot man


Punchmyguthard (0)

05/8/2022 14:14

You got a deal 😀


Victim (0)

02/8/2022 15:23

I would like to have my neck crushed between your two powerful thighs


Punchmyguthard (0)

03/8/2022 05:15

(C'est une réponse)

We need to somehow arrange a meet up and match


Punchmyguthard (0)

02/8/2022 01:57

You think any one would pay to punch my big fat gut hard. Merci de te connecter pour voir les photos des galeries.


big belly art (0)

04/8/2022 12:35

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I'd pay you if you gut punch me back


Punchmyguthard (0)

05/8/2022 06:34

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Hey bud No need to pay me. But if you would wanna pay me pay it to a good charity. Just an idea


john el (13)

02/8/2022 17:12

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Why? Plenty of guys ask for it, or even offer to pay for it.
I do it for fun.


Punchmyguthard (0)

03/8/2022 05:16

(C'est une réponse)

I know I let guys punch my gut any time they want. Free. It was just an idea lol


john el (13)

03/8/2022 05:27

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Lol can't hurt to ask I guess..
Seems the culture we are in these days


Punchmyguthard (0)

04/8/2022 05:22

(C'est une réponse)

No I don't need pay for someone punching my gut. I see a lot or guys paying someone to punch there gut. I don't pay any one to punch my gut alot of good guys will be glad to punch my gut for FREE.


big belly art (0)

04/8/2022 12:36

(C'est une réponse)

I would punch you long as you punch me back !

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