Mixed Wrestling (Men vs. Woman)

There alot of men more then women in thia group

BigRilesKS (3)

10/3/2018 03:14

And you probably never will, they have their own groups somewhere else.


Nightmareera (0 )

10/3/2018 01:19

So i just notice there more male then females in this group. Not saying this not a bad thing but this my opinion. I never seen a female my age group yet on the website.


markuswolf (0)

11/3/2018 10:58

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matwork's observations are accurate, imo.


matwork21 (14)

10/3/2018 05:48

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Just my observations for what they are worth:

Mixed wrestling is not a common fetish among women. Most who do it are either in it due to their male partner, or are pros (session women/video wrestlers) doing it for money. Even the women doing it for money who enjoy it probably would never have started if there was no money involved.

Most women who wrestle (already a small group) focus on wrestling other women.

I've always had more success "growing my own" by convincing a girlfriend to wrestle than I have trying to find one already into it.


nwfan53 (8)

12/3/2018 23:12

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One other thing to consider as far as women participating on this web site is if they are session wrestlers and make the mistake of putting anything in their profile that indicates they are, they eventually get booted off the site for Terms and Conditions violations.

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