Mixed Wrestling (Men vs. Woman)

What do females like mixed wrestling?

Turtler (1 )

18/7/2018 16:50

I think it's hard to say because women are different from other women. Some want to feel control, dominance and humiliate men because thats exciting. A few want to be dominated, feel the strength of a man hold in her place. Some just want the challenge of a generally more physically stronger opponent. In that respect, its like any male here at Meet Fighters. We all want something different.

Personally, wrestling a few women here and there in my life, some have thoroughly kicked my ass. I feel no shame, these gals trained their heart out everyday for years. I really admire women who can step up to the plate.


nwfan53 (8)

18/7/2018 19:46

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Good comment. What is sort is sort of interesting is that in the US indy pro wrestling game, there apparently a number of women wrestlers who like to do intergender matches ( which some of the smaller promotions are comfortable putting on their cards ). My guess is they get to use a wider variety of moves against guys than they can against other women and some the promoters seem to be getting comfortable with the idea of the woman loosing sometimes.


adamGrappler100 (0)

11/7/2018 19:33

From a male perspective, I think I understand the attraction of mixed wrestling. The erotic nature of the match certainly speaks volumes. I know for session wrestlers, financial considerations play a role, but I know this is not the whole story, because I have found they enjoy their work more than they would if they were doing this for finances alone. I remember my very first mixed session in London with a lady named Sonia. This was 17 years ago, was in my forties and she was thirty something. She was not strong and muscular looking, and I was in very good shape (and still in great shape), so I thought I could, if not take her down, at least win about half of the rounds. How could I be so wrong? Within seconds of the match starting she violently slammed me into the mat with a head scissors and for the next hour I was tapping out every two or three minutes with her taunting me the entire time. Once, and only once did I manage a body scissors and made her give in. The next day, every muscle in my body felt as though it had been dismembered by this 5’ 8” 140lb lady. The only thing that would have completed my humiliation would have been wrestling in front of an audience, but this first match has me addicted to intergender wrestling…. Since then I have had another 34 competitive mixed matches, with 14 women (having wrestled a number of women multiple times). I did not wind up nearly as sore as the first match with Sonia, but have to respect session wrestlers – they are strong, well trained, experienced and highly determined professional wrestlers that will defeat any untrained man unless the size and degree of muscularity becomes too lopsided. So what do ladies enjoy wrestling men? One lady said that when she wrestled for fun, she enjoyed humiliating boys, putting more than a few guys into headlocks to push their faces into her boobs. What do people think?


Ulli (0)

17/7/2018 23:28

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Ich denke das viele Frauen einfach auch Spaß daran haben. Wenn ich die Damen ausklammere die aus dem horizontalem Gewerbe kommen, waren alle anderen Gegnerinnen von mir trainierte Kampfsportlerinnen. Das ganze kombiniert mit einer starken Persönlichkeit und ausreichend Ehrgeiz könnte der Grund dafür sein. Wenn man bedenkt das Männer von Natur aus größer und kräftiger sind als Frauen, ist es für die Frauen sicherlich auch eine Art Erfolgserlebnis. Wenn ich beim Sparring eine der Frauen erwische, stelle ich immer wieder fest, das sie verbissener und Ehrgeiziger kämpfen als meine männlichen Trainingspartner.
Mir sagte mal eine Frau: Wenn zwei Männer gegeneinander kämpfen wollen sie nur Gewinnen. Frauen wollen einen fertig machen. Ich kann diese Aussage bestätigen.

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