Mixed Wrestling (Men vs. Woman)

strong women wrestlers to beat your ass

guru388 (0)

17/7/2019 10:41

i had a match last Sunday with a woman that was awesome. she was fast, strong and agressive and in short order destroyed me so i had to submit. No sex but straight domination wrestling. We will fight again this coming Sunday but she is so dam strong and skilled in the ring i really don't think i have a chance. She is open to any male challengers so guys here is the battle queen you have been looking for her name is SAN-WEN and you can find her at the face book page WORLD WIDE WRESTLING RPG JUST TELL HER YOU HEARD ABOUT HER FROM GURU


MightyMo (0)

17/7/2019 12:52

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Just went on and applied to join the FB group so will let you know if I'm accepted and then if I get a match against SAN-WEN.


guru388 (0)

17/7/2019 15:10

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She is really a strong wrestler. She has the body power to own your ass and punish it. Look for the picture of her sitting on the wall. Check out her strong legs. Good luck she will fight you let me know if you win or lose.


MightyMo (0)

17/7/2019 18:48

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I was accepted onto the FB page and almost straight away San Wen was there giving me a friend request and then talking to me as she is also a helper/trainer for new people to the group. Extremely helpful lady and very pleasant and because of the time differences and the way that group is run currently (mainly for US time zones) it’s difficult for me to take part in the open discussion matches like you have. San Wen though invited me to another cyber group where you organise you own matches time wise and then post the match to the discussion area. I am therefore having my first match against San Wen tomorrow and as I’ve been cyber wrestling for a considerably longer time than her I have promised to help her learn.


guru388 (0)

18/7/2019 02:37

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glad to hear it. remember she is in the ring to destroy an opponent. i had something here today that caused me to miss another fight with her but we reset it for friday. Let me know what happens with your fight.


MightyMo (0)

18/7/2019 11:50

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Yes I know I was watching the match on the group

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