One sided boxing

Mature sticky guys who like to be gut punched

marquis419 (0)

15/3/2024 15:55

"Mature sticky guys who like to be gut punched"

At what point in the process would either party become sticky?


FoxyBoxer (20)

17/3/2024 23:15

(C'est une réponse)

It's a typo, if u scroll down u can see that OP meant to say stocky


GPNavelPuncher (0)

17/3/2024 08:04

(C'est une réponse)

I think the term being referred to is "sweaty." A guy's body can become sweaty (not sticky!) after a 2 hour session of nonstop Gutpunching, Heel or Jobber. ENJOY! 👊💥🥵🔥💪


Pulledpork55 (0)

15/3/2024 14:34

I do .. unfortunately I'm millions of mile from you. Lol


Kiwicrusher (7)

14/3/2024 20:18

Are there any mature stocky men out there over 50 with a tight lot belly who like to have their belly worked over?


bellyboi (0)

17/3/2024 05:09

(C'est une réponse)

Definitely me.
Wish we were closer.
I would love for you to work me over and use my belly for a punching bag.
Hard and with no limits.

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