One sided boxing

Who punches or pounds their iwn abs to keep them strong ?

Spruceman (55 )

14/5/2018 01:09

It doesn't particularly excite me as it does some men, enabling them to spontaneously ejaculate; but I do it because I keep everything tough and have the feeling I can take just about anything a guy throws at me there. Do it while standing, lying prone, or with the butt on the Bosu[TM] and the heels/shoulders on the ground. Do lots of crunches weight on chest or otherwise, on the floor or on the Bosu[TM]. Built Tough – Staying Tough – Getting Tougher.....the Kickass Yetiman here. Try me---see if I have to tell you "You can begin any time now." after you do 10 or 20 strikes while I have my eyes covered so no relaxing the gut.


RadnerBearman (0)

22/10/2016 11:13

In addition to a heavy core workout and weekly sparing with other male and female boxers and kickboxers, I punch and pound my own abs, just to keep myself toughened up. I perfer to have a training partner, but when its not possible I will beat on my own gut. Who else does this ?


PJBoxxxer1 (6 )

04/6/2017 05:17

(C'est une réponse)

I started making that a part of every cardio boxing to bust uo dense fat cells. Takes awhile but beats doing nothing!

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