Rip and strip

Strip Match

Zorbas49 (0)

02/4/2024 16:46

es ist absolut heiss ein rlp and strip match. Shirt kann vielleicht angeschnitten werden, damit es besser reisst und shorts ohne innenslip reissen sehr gut. absolut geil bis beide nackt sind und zum kämpfen bereit


Gillmoe1 (1)

25/3/2024 17:36

Any body in STL "up" for a sweaty strip match leading to frotting and multiple cum shoots?


SeattleFight (509)

02/4/2024 16:49

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I am definitely up for that kind of action!!!


MakeMeSubmitDC (0)

10/1/2022 20:46

This sounds very hot, hope to try it


Punked Preppy (1 )

20/4/2021 01:59

Rip and strip.. Best way to do it!! Sorta like grappling and it's so hot when the confrontation is planned or unexpectedI know I've lost a good number of shirts .. And, I'll be the one provoking it lol..


Nightwolf55 (0)

20/4/2021 01:16

Rip and strip in camo gear when out hunting


justinnorth (9)

17/4/2021 05:20

Strip wrestling great fun either removing an item of clothing for losing a round or rip n strip


Gohan97 (0)

15/4/2021 14:39

Strip wrestling - Kinda like strip poker except every time you get submitted your opponent gets to take one article of clothing from you. If you're wearing a dress shirt it would be every time you get submitted your opponent gets to undo a button from your shirt. The loser is the first to be stripped naked.

A longtime fantasy of mine is to wrestle someone in a suit (without jacket but with a tie) and gradually strip them (or be stripped) until they're naked. Anyone interested to do this with me?


ripman2 (1)

02/5/2021 04:11

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Sounds like a hell of a good time


SeattleFight (509)

16/4/2021 06:04

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Yes! Strip or just rip the opponent’s office attire to shreds while you wrestle. I’m in for sure!!!


Phxdude (17)

15/5/2021 20:23

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That does sound hot!


Gohan97 (0)

16/4/2021 13:57

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I was thinking more of a strip match. If you had your opponent pinned in a school boy pin you could undo his tie and top buttons without having to rip his shirt.
Maybe that's just me trying to preserve my shirts lol.


ripman2 (1)

17/4/2021 02:23

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It's a rip and strip match clothes and not to be saved if you're going to do that start nude


Gohan97 (0)

17/4/2021 16:43

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Fair call, I would probably wear a cheaper shirt than the one pictured for a match if I were wrestling you!

Whilst ripping might be fun, the concept of just a strip match I think is interesting because each time you get submitted your open gets to unbutton one button from your shirt. So it's kind of a way to keep score throughout the match.


PhoenixBigBear (19 )

18/4/2021 04:32

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A couple of years ago, a buddy of mine and I did a rip & strip match, both of us wearing old clothes that were very old and very disposable–slacks, shirt and tie. The match was drama...we were both very excited as we gradually tore off the clothes until we were down to bare nakedness.
It's a matter of taste whether you want to untie the garments as you win a round...there's nothing wrong with that, to each his own. But from my experience I'd always want to rip my opponent's clothes to shreds and get mine torn up. It's very primal and dramatic.


Gillmoe1 (1)

25/3/2024 17:33

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I know what you mean!!


Ripeasy (0)

24/3/2024 10:02

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Totally agree with you clothes should be rip and destroyed



25/3/2024 12:02

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Strip match is one of my favorites too - keeps track of who is winning. However, if you rip-strip your opponent's clothes, he might not have anything to wear going home - he'll have to negotiate for a towel - or maybe just a sock.


Combatsportsfun (4)

15/4/2021 15:12

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I like the concept!
It sounds like fun to try.


SeattleFight (509)

17/4/2021 18:46

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Sure. I’ll try to exercise some restraint 😈 although the sound and look of ripping plus the chagrin of your opponent is kinda hot too. And it can also be gradual. But I’m flexible. 😉


Combatsportsfun (4)

17/4/2021 21:24

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Haha, I’m think I’m going to have to be easy on you!


SeattleFight (509)

18/4/2021 06:03

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Au contraire, @combatsportsfun!!

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