Role-playing fighting

Nude fight to the death ! Any one have that as a role play

Gladius (0)

25/2/2023 14:57

My kink is erotic couple v couple fantasy play deathfighting.

Think gladiators/barbarians/
prehistoric savages. Two couples fight MvM and FvF. I have enjoyed doing these in chats but my ultimate goal would be an irl meetup between two couples for wrestling, sex fighting, cock fighting and make believe “deathfights” with foam replica Roman Gladius swords and knives. I identify as straight bi curious and joined Meetfighters to find like minded guys and couples. In just a couple of days here I’ve connected with some receptive individuals so I’m encouraged.


fightjunkie (3)

12/2/2023 23:03

An "ultimate" fantasy of mine. Fun to act out in fantasy role play. Nothing like killing or being killed in the ultimate no rules, nude sex-brawl.


Lutteurrouen (8)

12/2/2023 20:15

Oui, je suis volontaire...


BenfromBritain (0)

12/2/2023 00:28

Yes why not


Small package (0)

11/2/2023 09:33

Two alpha males only one walks away grrr

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