I have had many fights and sometimes still get asked on the streets. Because my face looks like I am looking for trouble .... but I am not !
You never know if it will stay as a fair combat between 2 lads. In most cases some 'friends' join in if thier man is on the losing path or knifes or other weapon are used. You can never be sure. It is just not worth it.
I only did 'streetwise' or to be more precise building-site-wise with other builders.
Always fair fights between 2 guys ... nobody is interfering ... and there is always an option to quit.
My builder-mates are interested in good fair fights. 2 guys about similar size. On building sites often interrupted by security or supervisors.
That is why I build my own cage at home.
If someone fancy a good decent fight ... give me a call.
Anyone of a Queenie disposition just keep on scrolling !
In the real world never wish for fucking trouble, because when it suddenly stares you in the face you might not like what you fucking see!
The tough place i grew up you had a fight with another lad and sometimes became mates after.
Non of this fucking "How are you doing, what a lovely day"!
One lad i fucking hated the twat, and him me.
First fight i come off best, 2nd he comes off best, then we were mates.
Fact is i were best man at his wedding in the end.
Fucking didn't last long though, maybe his love of collecting cars that weren't his had summat to fucking do with it.
Never believe some bloke who says he never fucking lost a fight, cos he's a lier, like i say, i won some and lost some. No fucking disgrace in admitting that !
Does a " real man" stand and fight five lads fucking coming towards him?
Does he bollocks! He runs like fuck, unless he fancies hospital hospitality.
Scrapping, and i mean unexpected street scrapping, is learning the fucking hard way, cos when a fucking boot meets your knackers, that is one area you very fucking quickly learn to protect !
Trust me lads, i learnt that lesson fucking fast.
Look out for the quiet man in the pub or the street, who holds himself well, maybe ex forces, and respect him.
Not some fucker, out of his brains, shouting his fucking head off!
There are no fucking 'unspoken rules" as some bloke with a fancy unpronounceable name, just put it !
In a real street fight, and i mean a proper "Unplanned fight" that suddenly breaks out, between two lads, fucking "rules" don't exist.
Each fucking punch, head butt, knee in the fucking knackers, is meant for fucking real, not some fucking " Fair play" agreement beforehand !
Get fucking real !
It is to put the other lad on the fucking pavement, before they fucking do you any more damage !!!
Are you trying to be ignorant on purpose? It's pretty clear, that I'm talking about this site and group. It's literally mentioned in the group rules, that there are rules. Also I have years of experience on this site and unlike you I've actually met up with some people here. The actual fighters here are pretty sane and the ones, who claim, that they are not, are just talking. Like you for example.
With a weird made up name ending Berserk, we don't think it's me "just talking"!!!
I'm not talking about this site, but real streetlife, out there.
If you want to arrange, i am here !!!
Street fighting has no "rules" often one bloke is a more street hardened brawler than the other.
Especially when they are pissed or on something, there are no fucking rules, there is no fucking "referee" to ensure fair play.
Gouging, kicking, head butting, kneeing in the bollocks.
This is a fight that no sane man wants, but often sanity fucking goes out the window, when the Adrenalin and the survival instinct kick in.
Don't go thinking street fighting is "fun" because it is not.
Some fights last a few minutes, others can go on for much longer.
The real fucking truth is no fucker really wins, the pain kicks in the next day, and be grateful it didn't end up in a trip to A/E !!!
Sure, some blokes fantasise about street fighting, but there is no fucking glamour to it, unless you think getting knocked about in a
police cell after, is the mark of a good night out !
My advice is, for what it's fucking worth, is be Street Wise when out at night. Just a glance in some blokes direction and it can kick off big time.
Enjoy fighting, i fucking do, but in "controlled" conditions.
The boxing ring, the Bare Knuckle ring, at a mates place.
Don't be a fucking twat and be the hard man, because there is ALWAYS some one harder than you, just round the fucking corner !
From my experience the "street fights" here are always consensual bare fist MMA fights and even the discription of this group does say so. They are still extremely dangerous but at least it's not as bad as you decribed it. People here like "no rules" but no one wants to seriously injure someone, so as far as I know there are basically unspoken rules and everything else is just "trash talking".
Ringerohr (39)
31/8/2023 07:18I agree with Biulder bloke.
I have had many fights and sometimes still get asked on the streets. Because my face looks like I am looking for trouble .... but I am not !
You never know if it will stay as a fair combat between 2 lads. In most cases some 'friends' join in if thier man is on the losing path or knifes or other weapon are used. You can never be sure. It is just not worth it.
I only did 'streetwise' or to be more precise building-site-wise with other builders.
Always fair fights between 2 guys ... nobody is interfering ... and there is always an option to quit.
My builder-mates are interested in good fair fights. 2 guys about similar size. On building sites often interrupted by security or supervisors.
That is why I build my own cage at home.
If someone fancy a good decent fight ... give me a call.
Builder Bloke (0)
30/8/2023 23:58Anyone of a Queenie disposition just keep on scrolling !
In the real world never wish for fucking trouble, because when it suddenly stares you in the face you might not like what you fucking see!
The tough place i grew up you had a fight with another lad and sometimes became mates after.
Non of this fucking "How are you doing, what a lovely day"!
One lad i fucking hated the twat, and him me.
First fight i come off best, 2nd he comes off best, then we were mates.
Fact is i were best man at his wedding in the end.
Fucking didn't last long though, maybe his love of collecting cars that weren't his had summat to fucking do with it.
Never believe some bloke who says he never fucking lost a fight, cos he's a lier, like i say, i won some and lost some. No fucking disgrace in admitting that !
Does a " real man" stand and fight five lads fucking coming towards him?
Does he bollocks! He runs like fuck, unless he fancies hospital hospitality.
Scrapping, and i mean unexpected street scrapping, is learning the fucking hard way, cos when a fucking boot meets your knackers, that is one area you very fucking quickly learn to protect !
Trust me lads, i learnt that lesson fucking fast.
Look out for the quiet man in the pub or the street, who holds himself well, maybe ex forces, and respect him.
Not some fucker, out of his brains, shouting his fucking head off!
Builder Bloke (0)
13/8/2023 23:07Bollocks, Mate !
All the lads i met are off line !
If you want to take me on just try and arrange it, i am here .!!!!
Builder Bloke (0)
13/8/2023 20:32There are no fucking 'unspoken rules" as some bloke with a fancy unpronounceable name, just put it !
In a real street fight, and i mean a proper "Unplanned fight" that suddenly breaks out, between two lads, fucking "rules" don't exist.
Each fucking punch, head butt, knee in the fucking knackers, is meant for fucking real, not some fucking " Fair play" agreement beforehand !
Get fucking real !
It is to put the other lad on the fucking pavement, before they fucking do you any more damage !!!
NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)
13/8/2023 22:22(C'est une réponse)
Are you trying to be ignorant on purpose? It's pretty clear, that I'm talking about this site and group. It's literally mentioned in the group rules, that there are rules. Also I have years of experience on this site and unlike you I've actually met up with some people here. The actual fighters here are pretty sane and the ones, who claim, that they are not, are just talking. Like you for example.
Builder Bloke (0)
26/8/2023 14:57(C'est une réponse)
With a weird made up name ending Berserk, we don't think it's me "just talking"!!!
I'm not talking about this site, but real streetlife, out there.
If you want to arrange, i am here !!!
NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)
07/10/2023 15:20(C'est une réponse)
As he "challenged" me, he blocked me in the exact same moment, so I couldn't respond even if I wanted to and now he's deleted.
BoxerRhino (8 )
07/10/2023 15:32(C'est une réponse)
Class act right there.
Ringerohr (39)
18/7/2023 07:41I totally agree with builder bloke.
I only fight in scraps or cages if there at least a few guys watching .
BoxerRhino (8 )
17/7/2023 07:24Whether it's full rules or no rules, it's always more enjoyable when it's not over some beef or gripe.
Builder Bloke (0)
16/7/2023 11:33Street fighting has no "rules" often one bloke is a more street hardened brawler than the other.
Especially when they are pissed or on something, there are no fucking rules, there is no fucking "referee" to ensure fair play.
Gouging, kicking, head butting, kneeing in the bollocks.
This is a fight that no sane man wants, but often sanity fucking goes out the window, when the Adrenalin and the survival instinct kick in.
Don't go thinking street fighting is "fun" because it is not.
Some fights last a few minutes, others can go on for much longer.
The real fucking truth is no fucker really wins, the pain kicks in the next day, and be grateful it didn't end up in a trip to A/E !!!
Sure, some blokes fantasise about street fighting, but there is no fucking glamour to it, unless you think getting knocked about in a
police cell after, is the mark of a good night out !
My advice is, for what it's fucking worth, is be Street Wise when out at night. Just a glance in some blokes direction and it can kick off big time.
Enjoy fighting, i fucking do, but in "controlled" conditions.
The boxing ring, the Bare Knuckle ring, at a mates place.
Don't be a fucking twat and be the hard man, because there is ALWAYS some one harder than you, just round the fucking corner !
NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)
18/7/2023 10:29(C'est une réponse)
From my experience the "street fights" here are always consensual bare fist MMA fights and even the discription of this group does say so. They are still extremely dangerous but at least it's not as bad as you decribed it. People here like "no rules" but no one wants to seriously injure someone, so as far as I know there are basically unspoken rules and everything else is just "trash talking".
PunkDolphin (0)
18/7/2023 03:12(C'est une réponse)
Whoa, well said mate. You got it Builder Bloke
Builder Bloke (0)
13/8/2023 20:36(C'est une réponse)
Check my the reply out, mate.
Builder Bloke (0)
18/7/2023 11:41(C'est une réponse)
Thank you mate.
Seem to have started something !