Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

880th Consec Exercise Day, Part 1

RadnerBearman (0)

19/9/2018 11:59

I dont spend as much time on my abs as you do, but I do believe in working the to FAILURE. I also believe ( based on lots of experience ) that when an exercize becomes easy. Add weights or reps. Adding weight will thicken the muscles. Its what gives you defined bricks. But as I have said in the past, seeing abdominal definition has Nothing to do with how much punishment a man or woman can take. I do belivev in impact conditioning Tighten up and taking hits. If you are fortunate to have a workout partner who can pound your abs. Thats great, but. You can obtain the same, even better muscle conditioning using a two handled medicine ball. I use a 16 and 22 pound when Im on the road, i tighten up and i control the force as I drive the ball repeatedly into my gut as hard as i can. First you must have the toughest muscle possible. Impact conditioning hardens the stomach muscles so when you box, kickbox, martial arts or you just love gut punching You cam take a lot of deeeep punishment and enjoy it. The harder you are the less u have to tighten up. I learned this at age 16 as a Golden Gloves boxer. I have mire than 30 very aggressive routines designed to make the gut as HARD as possible these all work and are all safe when do correctly Im always open to chat on the subject. At tge present time I working with 10 guys on here but have helped 30 in tbe past. Stay tight. Keep your ab wall pulled in and tight and you will feel better


Spruceman (55 )

08/6/2018 20:28

One reason why my abs are in that toughest one percent (he says modestly). Seventy-Five minutes working the abs/obliques, even around to the back with 1,800 of the kinkiest "crunches" and "holding them tight" for the whole 75. (pretending there's some beefcake out there who would punch or kick the gut if he saw them relax for a second). The abs part alone would be about 3,000 were it not for tightening up in two directions at the same time.

In addition, don't waste other parts of the body. Don't support your head with your hands–Use the hands to push down on the forehead or the sides, to toughen up the neck (Very lightly until they start tuffening up) – tuffen them so maybe if you get in a car wreck, you're less likely to end up paralyzed neck down for life from a whiplash. and flex the glutes (butt) at tiimes – Yeah a saggy butt is even uglier than a sagging pussgut (e.g., one unnamed world leader.) Don't want a butt needing a rollar skate attached to keep it from scraping on the pavement like his. Work the thighs against each other, calves, so you can scissor your rassling buddies.

And when holding a crunch for 10 or more seconds, can do all kinds of things – hold both legs at 45-60-degree angle, punching the abs, use your imagination, but no masturbating allowed. Enuf for now until hitting the weights later this afternoon

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