Wrestling Videos on the Net

Wrestling in jail or prison??

olderdesire (14)

17/4/2023 12:11

I remember when this took place. It wasn’t an organized event. The guards got fired for their participation.


mochablk (21)

17/4/2023 16:02

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Yep...they did.


Romansoldier (0 )

16/4/2023 19:34

i also see a few problem with having wrestling in prisons, 1. you have a lot of angry individuals in the prison that want to get rid of that anger and they are susceptible to manic anger resulting in death.
2. about 60-70% of inmates are elderly so i cant see many wanting to compete.
3. i cant see a General population inmate wanting to face off in a wrestling match with a Paedophile or sex offender without wanting to put them 6 feet under.
and finally a wrestling ring costs a lot of money and 99% percent of prison governors don't even want to cash out on replacement pens and pencils, or more staff


mochablk (21)

17/4/2023 04:29

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Your points are well taken. I just thought this was surprisingly interesting and probably the only prison or jail that it turned out to be friendly...i guess.


scissornpinmenow (0)

15/4/2023 06:41

Yes, similarly, I have thought about this. Why not? It strikes me as a very natural release of aggression and surging hormones. Shame the picture quality is not very good. I would like to see more, but only with improved picture quality.


mochablk (21)

15/4/2023 14:29

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Unfortunately, it was probably from the facility video system. Yeah, too bad it wasn't closer.


mochablk (21)

14/4/2023 16:26

Wow!! I've often wondered about this. Now it's been exposed.

Any thoughts?


NYC123 (135 )

15/4/2023 13:35

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That is wild. Who knew this type of shit was allowed. I can’t believe the guard got a piece of the action as well. You know they jacked off in the shower afterwards.


mochablk (21)

15/4/2023 14:30

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It's not allowed. The guards got fired.

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