bare knuckle fist fighters

Fist fight wanted...

Marcelo Pierry (6 )

29/6/2018 07:25

Need help. I currently live in Brazil and I do not speak another language. I would like someone who could receive me to live together. That put me in the illegal MMA fights or boxing without gloves, without rules. I am willing to fight to the death. I await contact.


Boxeur puncheur (7)

30/6/2018 09:23

(C'est une réponse)

🖕🖕🖕blabla speak too much dude come one


Marcelo Pierry (6 )

30/6/2018 17:11

(C'est une réponse)

Your time will get your chicken.


Boxeur puncheur (7)

01/7/2018 00:24

(C'est une réponse)

Come on I wait you


StreetFighter4U (2)

01/7/2018 23:11

(C'est une réponse) can’t come to me face to face. Fake profile


Boxeur puncheur (7)

01/7/2018 23:44

(C'est une réponse)

I wait you there in NYC


StreetFighter4U (2)

30/6/2018 15:44

(C'est une réponse)

You are the one running away. Get your ass here. Step up or shut up....fucking lil bitch.


Boxeur puncheur (7)

01/7/2018 00:23

(C'est une réponse)

I m here dude !



01/7/2018 08:00

(C'est une réponse)

Come on I challenge you.


RugbyBoy (48 )

13/5/2018 02:49

Oi pussies, I'll give you a hiding!
Message me girls - UK


wrestlerspig (14)

13/5/2018 15:48

(C'est une réponse)

lucky subs in the UK. I envy them.


RugbyBoy (48 )

13/5/2018 23:56

(C'est une réponse)

Haha why bro


wrestlerspig (14)

15/5/2018 05:45

(C'est une réponse)

USA punching bag here. I envy the guys you give a pounding.


Jaggyd2 (4)

12/8/2014 05:02

I'd be down for a match with anyone coming near Eastern Iowa


bigchicago (68)

09/12/2014 12:53

(C'est une réponse)

I'd be up for a fight sometime Jaggyd2


realthing (34)

07/8/2014 20:48

Hi. Still trying to find someone for a proper fight...



26/5/2018 14:25

(C'est une réponse)

yes, I look for realthing. I look for REALTHING.

we have pending fight, no rules, KO-fight, KO-mandatory.

I was looking at chains to fight. I send you pics of chains.

so we would fight without weapons, with chains.

you blocked on your WHATSAPP. why ???



26/5/2018 14:08

(C'est une réponse)


Perfil no puede ser mostrado
El perfil de realthing no puede ser mostrado
Estás bloqueado del perfil de este miembro.

I copy and paste what the realthing profile says:
"it can not be shown
The profile of realthing can not be shown
You are blocked from this member's profile. "

Realthing, your not real. you're a liar


realthing (34)

26/5/2018 14:17

(C'est une réponse)




06/4/2018 12:30

(C'est une réponse)


you are a liar


Boxeur puncheur (7)

07/4/2018 07:12

(C'est une réponse)

You're right realthing is in reality REALFAKE!!!
No bawls that girly fighter


realthing (34)

07/4/2018 09:22

(C'est une réponse)

Boxeur's tongue is surely more skilled and active than him...


Boxeur puncheur (7)

27/5/2018 05:44

(C'est une réponse)

I wait you FAKETHING!!


StreetFighter4U (2)

27/5/2018 16:44

(C'est une réponse)

Pussy boy puncheur. Called you out many times and you run.


Boxeur puncheur (7)

28/5/2018 05:26

(C'est une réponse)

Fake street fighter stop blabla and come on dude


StreetFighter4U (2)

30/5/2018 01:30

(C'est une réponse)

Fake? Your the one who won’t come and face me. Guys on this site should avoid setting a fight up its Boxeur Pussyboy. He runs when called out and only bravebehind a computer


Boxeur puncheur (7)

14/4/2018 05:55

(C'est une réponse)

I KO you When you want dude
If you want to move your ass here !


realthing (34)

06/4/2018 18:29

(C'est une réponse)

With no past opponents maybe you...



06/4/2018 18:38

(C'est une réponse)


yes, we have never fought.

we spoke 2 weeks about rules, styles of fight, limits, gear. we spoke about all aspect about our fight.

we passed whatsapps.

after you blocked me on meetfighters and on whatsapp.

wonderful, you did give me any reason to do these 2 blocks.

thanks, thanks, thanks.

I was very polite with you.

I was very educated with you


realthing (34)

06/4/2018 21:00

(C'est une réponse)

I did not block you... I told we could not fight...



08/4/2018 13:39

(C'est une réponse)

It is true you told me that in the end you did not come to Cádiz, Spain.

and after telling me, you did the following:

- You blocked me in meetfighters. and I'm still blocked to the current date in meetfigters.

- You blocked me in whatsapp. and I remain blocked to the current date in whatsapp.

I beg you not to continue lying.

you are really a LIE and you keep lying.



06/4/2018 21:14

(C'est une réponse)

I challenge you realthing.



06/4/2018 18:32

(C'est une réponse)

you and me


Boxer1957 (0)

05/4/2018 14:48

(C'est une réponse)

I'm ready. Boxing without gloves and / or brawl.


Boxeur puncheur (7)

04/4/2018 06:33

(C'est une réponse)

You : 😂😂😂😂👎👎👎



06/4/2018 06:18

(C'est une réponse)

Ready here.


punchpignyc (11 )

05/4/2018 10:14

(C'est une réponse)

Waiting for you


darkranger (19 )

08/8/2014 16:26

(C'est une réponse)

come over to PA sometime man, give you a proper fight anytiem you want!


StreetFighter4U (2)

08/8/2014 16:19

(C'est une réponse)

If I lived closer to you, I'd fight you bare knux and kick your ass.


Mickwrestler (5 )

02/3/2015 07:01

(C'est une réponse)

I'll kick your ass


tonyskin (0)

03/4/2018 09:36

(C'est une réponse)

oi oi wanna fight


Boxeur puncheur (7)

07/4/2018 07:07

(C'est une réponse)

Fuck skin speak too much fucker


Boxer1957 (0)

06/4/2018 17:41

(C'est une réponse)

Me too. Nice brawl.


StreetFighter4U (2)

07/3/2015 14:46

(C'est une réponse)

Bring it on, FAG


darkranger (19 )

08/8/2014 16:25

(C'est une réponse)

i'd fight you man anytime!


G Star (0)

13/4/2014 23:59

I'll hopefully be getting some time off work in the summer so I'm looking for a couple of fights, if you are in good shape and think you can give me a decent fight then get in touch.


darkranger (19 )

07/8/2014 20:23

(C'est une réponse)

come over to PA man, i'll fight ya!


realthing (34)

13/5/2014 16:58

(C'est une réponse)

bring it on



05/4/2018 14:41

(C'est une réponse)


you are a liar.


LBFighter (21)

04/4/2014 01:24

any one in Southern California looking to fist fight for real?


lenmac (0)

24/1/2014 00:53

Any MEN out there? ANY REAL MEN????


hoosierpuncher (20)

09/3/2014 21:06

(C'est une réponse)

Let's fight some time more than ready to answer your call.


lenmac (0)

09/3/2014 21:08

(C'est une réponse)

Let me know where and when??


hoosierpuncher (20)

09/3/2014 21:13

(C'est une réponse)

Last week of March? Your place or somewhere in between.


lenmac (0)

24/1/2014 00:39

I'll travel up to 100 miles for a FIGHT from Kalamazoo, MI. I WILL HOST ANY MAN TRAVELING THIS WAY! NO PROBLEM!


lenmac (0)

24/1/2014 00:19

Love the GIRLS that talk BIG! No snows, Pussies! I'd LOVE to meet a few Likeminded men as me! A Man, Man enough to Kick My Ass Good, or Have His ASS KICKED!


lenmac (0)

24/1/2014 00:01

I LOVE and CRAVE a good Man to Man naked Fist Fight! My limits are, no closed fists to the face, but everything else NHB! Jabs to the throat, Ball and cock bashing, kneeing, Nipple Ripping, total beat-down Domination until 3 submissions! Had a few fights before and had my Ass Kicked good! Won a few too! I've NEVER TURNED DOWN A BRAWL! NEVER!


Fighter UK (23)

17/12/2013 07:24

Hard Fights wanted over the next few weeks in London. Anyone around?


Fighter Matt (38)

20/12/2013 21:15

(C'est une réponse)

I will be in London on new year eve so how about we finish our unfinished business, my pretty! After all the public boxing(WCFC), Bare knuckle boxing(BBAD) and cage fight(Battle Arena) shows Ive had this year, it would be great to finish the year by finishing our unfinished business don't you think! I have 4 boxing shows near London in the new year so lets fight next year too. Are you game? or are you still running! I have been training at my boxing club all year (3 times a week), lets meet for a drink and catch up or are you still running from that too like in Manchester! Maybe you should bring Garrie Tate with you as your body guard! Ha Ha Ha!


covlad (0)

16/11/2013 19:32

In looking for two on one


covlad (0)

16/11/2013 19:31

Im up. For two on one fight


Bearhug KO (2)

17/3/2014 19:07

(C'est une réponse)

Find another guy and I'll fight you 2 on 1


fightguy (18)

11/10/2013 09:39

Just a question for all you gents....have always enjoyed a good scrap, but not crazed/insane, though 'souvenirs' of a good fight are always eye, bloody nose, bruises/scrapes/etc. So how real and rough would you guys REALLY go in a fist fight situation? Broken jaw/nose/ribs? Or try to have some control on the fight...and if so, how so?


ozjake (2)

23/11/2013 03:24

(C'est une réponse)

broken bones is pushing it but it would be the limit, having said that, you need to be wise and have recoverytime, and be able to fight again, so all out but sane-ish


fightguy (18)

23/11/2013 04:59

(C'est une réponse)

Thanks for the reply Jake...'all out but sane-ish' sounds like a plan...would like to take you on sometime.


ozjake (2)

23/11/2013 05:30

(C'est une réponse)

thanks mate i would like to make that happen, sane-ish ?


Daz (29)

02/11/2013 23:19

(C'est une réponse)

Depends on what you agree. Most of my recent fights have needed to be sensible that is no broken bones and some face shots due to work commitments. But if I have a few weeks off work I can engage in this type of NHb fight as you have time to heel. This is a fight group so expect squaring off against guys who get into exchanging fists and intend to hurt each other. But not permanent injuries as you want to be able to have rematches and fight again.


G Star (0)

30/8/2012 07:20

Was hoping for a better response, it seems like there aren't any guys who think they could take me in a proper fight?


Boxeur puncheur (7)

07/4/2018 07:09

(C'est une réponse)

Me i can dude


toughguyabs (0 )

03/10/2013 15:19

(C'est une réponse)

I'll take you on, bare fists to KO. You got the balls? Winner owns loser after the fight. You have an incredibly hot and hard body, but i think that pretty boy muscles will wimp out and i'll beat the crap out of you! Look at the attached pic, that's what you'll look like after i'm done beating the fuck out of you.....poser!!!!


Boxeur puncheur (7)

07/4/2018 07:10

(C'est une réponse)

Come on dude


Mickwrestler (5 )

02/3/2015 07:01

(C'est une réponse)

I'll fight you


StreetFighter4U (2)

07/3/2015 14:46

(C'est une réponse)

Come to Nebraska...scared?


Mickwrestler (5 )

21/3/2015 15:21

(C'est une réponse)

I will go to Nebraska and kick your ass queer.


StreetFighter4U (2)

22/3/2015 23:59

(C'est une réponse)

You got the easy part done....

Answer: the talking part


Mickwrestler (5 )

06/4/2018 15:24

(C'est une réponse)

Streetfight, let’s meet up


StreetFighter4U (2)

07/4/2018 16:38

(C'est une réponse)

Yeah...bring yo punk ass here mfer


Daz (29)

24/10/2013 23:54

(C'est une réponse)

You've got a big mouth cunt and if I was closer I'd be shutting it for you. One day ill be over there to sort you out and hope its sooner that later. Now who's got the balls.


toughguyabs (0 )

26/10/2013 05:25

(C'est une réponse)

I've got the balls, and i'll pound you into submission!!!


Daz (29)

26/10/2013 12:55

(C'est une réponse)

Whatever princess. Hope it's not too long until we sort it out and have a story to tell this group. Bring it on cunt


toughguyabs (0 )

26/10/2013 17:10

(C'est une réponse)

I'd like nothing better then to fight you NHB and then post the results, and post-fight pics here, then they would see the real fucking princess......asshole!!!


Daz (29)

28/10/2013 04:18

(C'est une réponse)

Well the members of this group have something to look forward to. That's me punishing you in a NHb brawl. Fuck it's a piy we are not closer and able to square off sooner. You'll keep pussy.


toughguyabs (0 )

02/11/2013 01:30

(C'est une réponse)

NHB brawl suits me fine, i'll beat your ass worse. After my knees lump up your face and make you groggy, i'll take my fucking time and smash your face up like a cheap piece of trash!!!!!!


Daz (29)

02/11/2013 23:14

(C'est une réponse)

Dream on princess. When you taste my knuckle sandwich you won't be standing up for very long and I can take you to the ground and pound away at your school girl face. All the guys in this group are in for a treat when the pics are posted of you smashed like a piece of shit. Perhaps we meet halfway eg Thailand so we can sort it out sooner?


toughguyabs (0 )

03/11/2013 23:07

(C'est une réponse)

You wish you could fuck up my face with your fists/knees - I would hope so too, but you're limp wristed punches won't dent my hard fuckin face! I think my fists will bust you up and make you fucking groggy, then I'll feed you some weed or a LOT more, then i'll own you!!!I agree to share the pics of our fight with the group, no fucking argument there, but I think you'll be embarrassed when they see your face busted up into mince meat by my rock hard fists. You game for winner fucking loser? Time to put up or shut up faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!


ozjake (2)

23/11/2013 03:31

(C'est une réponse)

what a mouth boy, u need messin up, if you turn up to just one of these fighters , you will hurt bad boy


toughguyabs (0 )

03/11/2013 22:42

(C'est une réponse)

You wish you could fuck up my face with your fists/knees - I would hope so too, but you're limp wristed punches won't dent my hard fuckin face! I think my fists will bust you up and make you fucking groggy, then I'll feed you some weed or a LOT more, then i'll own you!!!I agree to share the pics of our fight with the group, no fucking argument there, but I think you'll be embarrassed when they see your face busted up into mince meat by my rock hard fists. You game for winner fucking loser? Time to put up or shut up faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!


Daz (29)

03/11/2013 22:48

(C'est une réponse)

Fuck you piss me off cunt. Firstly. Agree to winner takes all so be prepared to have your tight arse fucked and let the boys hear you cry like a bitch as your worked over by the better man. I plan to beat you to pulp but not enough for you to pass out and not known what's going on as I what you to feel the humiliation of losing the fight to a superior Aussie bloke and have all your pussy mates see what could happen to them next. Bring it on pissant.


lenmac (0)

09/8/2013 00:39

(C'est une réponse)

even though you are younger, I'd love to fist fight you. Wish you were closer man!


realthing (34)

07/7/2013 16:00

(C'est une réponse)

always looking for a fight?



05/4/2018 14:46

(C'est une réponse)


you are a liar


realthing (34)

05/4/2018 22:04

(C'est une réponse)

You can't fight. I am looking for fights, sorry. U have a lot of unreal fantasies...


G Star (0)

08/7/2013 07:21

(C'est une réponse)

Do you ever travel to the UK?


realthing (34)

08/7/2013 13:24

(C'est une réponse)

I do sometimes, I'd do it for a good fight as well


ozjake (2)

23/11/2013 03:29

(C'est une réponse)

travel my way man if its a fight ur after


G Star (0)

09/7/2013 02:25

(C'est une réponse)

Well I'd definitely give you a good fight, so it would be worth the journey.


Want2fight (36)

28/10/2012 05:21

(C'est une réponse)

wish i was coming your way this year! Have been to the UK several times for Christmas and New Years. Would have been nice to knock each other into the New Year!


G Star (0)

12/11/2012 06:24

(C'est une réponse)

Thanks for the offer, next time your visiting the UK give me a shout. A fight at New Year would have been great, although I think I might have knocked you into the middle of next year. :D


realthing (34)

08/7/2013 13:23

(C'est une réponse)

you want to fight by the end of the year? message me and tell me when u r free to fight


G Star (0)

09/7/2013 02:27

(C'est une réponse)

Yeah I'd be well up for a fight by the end of the year, will shoot you a message to sort out details.


Essexscrapper1972 (4)

06/9/2012 14:15

(C'est une réponse)

G Star. bring it you thingk ur some hard man, then bring it


huge fighting man (2 )

05/9/2012 07:37

(C'est une réponse)

I will reply. Location is key to fist fighting. I actual place must be secured ahead of a fight. It is also clear that size matters as does distance. Iwill say that fighting or getting known as a fighter is a better way of getting started in fighting. I hae had several underground fights in the past 10 years. in most cases i did not know the opponnetsfirst or last name. pretty hard to list a referance that way.


G Star (0)

08/9/2012 09:31

(C'est une réponse)

Thanks for the advice this isn't my first rodeo though, I've had a lot of fights over the years, enough that I've run out of local guys to fight hence the reason I'm looking on here for a challenge. Location isn't that important, anywhere outside that you can fight without being disturbed is fine. Size also isn't much of an issue I've had fights with bigger and heavier guys and still won convincingly.

@Essexscrapper1972, I don't think I'm a hard man I'm just telling it how it is, your welcome to put it to the test though although you don't look like you'd last very long.


G Star (0)

24/8/2012 00:27

I'm looking for a proper fist fight or full on street fight, preferably with someone who is in good shape and can handle themselves. So if you think you can take me or just want to test yourself then get in touch.


realthing (34)

15/10/2013 13:47

(C'est une réponse)

Trying to fight u bit no way of sorting something out... could u pls reply?

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