female wrestlers and catfighters uk

Looking for a rules catfight

womanwrestler (0 )

25/9/2020 08:13

Hi Mark
I so sorry but I are sick of guys thinking the can talk down to ladies in groups such as this , thing Ceil just push me to far with what he had to say to our lates young lady who joined the group
when u made a call for people to get the numbers to start this group I stood beside you became member to get the number you needed, I meet some loverly Guys in group sad but not many girls joined and maybe if guys talk that way to ladies then you may have reason why

so good bye to all the good guys here and Hope you get all u wished, for

Bye to you all



celtwrestle (47 )

25/9/2020 08:34

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Norma, You appear you judge me wrongly. Would an apology persuade you to stay?


KerriCatsUK (0)

20/9/2020 11:10

It appears this is a huge long shot as there appears to be zero females here, but looking for a catfight next year in the UK


womanwrestler (0 )

24/9/2020 07:38

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thats bull shit your welcome here and hope you find what u are looking for here u never know do you
All the best Norma

I know we are 1000s km apart but ever wish to cyber fight I'm happy step in against you



celtwrestle (47 )

23/9/2020 06:04

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Really? For us that would mean travel restrictions being lifted first and verification etc.
Why would you search for opponents on male-dominated MF when there are other sites offering more prospects of a fvf match?


womanwrestler (0 )

24/9/2020 07:43

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what the hell, this is why Girls dont join this group as they are treated bad and why are you here ,what do you want here ask yourelf , most like same thing as u and I hope she finds it
I offered to cyber fight your lady and I have with her as I are in Australia

Please dont put her down because she is a loverly young lady
its not wright to do that

all the best



celtwrestle (47 )

24/9/2020 10:59

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Norma, Cyber fighting. Isn’t there another group for that?
Kerri is looking (or I think she is) a rules catfight in the UK. All I said was this can’t happen until the Covid travel restrictions are over.
Sorry, but we don’t do cyber, and last tme I looked the title of this group states Female Wrestlers and Catfighters UK.
Kerri, I’m originally from the UK and Mia (and myself) are seeking irl competition.
Sorry, but cyber challenges are politely declined and, if persistent, simply ignored.


medic1 (8)

25/9/2020 13:20

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Well I am glad it's not just me but this (fouled mouth bigot - Celt) has decided to go after a lady who has courage enough to stand up to this weasel. Het Celt, f you want to pick on somebody, try picking on me! and leave Norma alone!


celtwrestle (47 )

26/9/2020 03:17

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If there's any weasel on here it's you, medic. The racist PM you sent me was disgusting and if I reported it you would be trounced off this site as you deserve to be. For you to call someone a bigot is rich.


medic1 (8)

26/9/2020 14:28

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I call em' like I see them. Go ahead and report is, If you do, I will report the notes you sent to Norma. I am not afraid of you Celt. Trust me on that. Matter of fact if you ever come to the US, you and I have some unfinished business to settle on the mats.


celtwrestle (47 )

26/9/2020 17:35

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Do you have a passport?
Also, I sent no notes to Norma except what appeared here. The one you sent me was racist and deplorable.


medic1 (8)

26/9/2020 17:59

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None of your stupid business. I saw your notes to Norma and I have copied them. Let's settle this on the mats or in the ring. Your choice!


celtwrestle (47 )

27/9/2020 01:41

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The reason it is my business to ask whether you have a passport is so that you fly to Hong Kong to fight.
As I stated near the start of this thread, there is practically no global travel due to Covid. But catfight Kerri is “offering” a catfight day in the UK next year. I know at least lady who’s willing to take her up on this.
This would, of course be irl, not cyber.
As for me traveling to Nowheresville, N Carolina, it’s at least two flights across time zones. And for what? Me beating up a senior citizen who’d probably call upon a local Sherrif, hooch-addled militias and the klan to hep him out.


medic1 (8)

27/9/2020 03:13

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Well, one things for sure, I am NOT traveling anywhere to wrestle. Especially China! You are right. Come anywhere near me and I will make sure you are fitted for an orange jump suit.


celtwrestle (47 )

27/9/2020 03:31

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What a silly man you are.


Joe101 (0)

24/9/2020 09:17

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I think Male or female this site should be open to both genders. Celtic is right to a point this place is dominated by us guys. But for one it be great to get more women on here.


celtwrestle (47 )

24/9/2020 11:43

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Thank you Joe. Yes, it’s a fair question and I like to fight fair, even though it appears that Norma doesn’t


womanwrestler (0 )

24/9/2020 12:54

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Well I say good bye to this line of chat as it clear you and others are not understanding where I’m come I g from

It’s clear to me why girls don’t join group when they are treated like she was bye boys

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