- États-Unis - Connecticut, New Milford
(J'y reste jusqu'à 01/12/2025)
Danbury, Ct
Je peux aller jusqu'à 50 miles
Je peux recevoir (Hébergement)
Fetichisme: Cherche sexe, Gut punching, Jeux de tétons, Rip and strip
Let me open my profile by saying that my wrestling skills are very very limited, but I do love that kind of body contact with another man. So if there is any guy out there that wants to teach a newbie or at least throw me around and put some holds on me which I have to admit I do love. I also love the erotic aspects but then I mean who doesn’t. I’m also majorly into gut punching whether giving or receiving. If you just want to pound On me that will be most welcome. So send me a note and let’s have some fun.Oh yeah, one more thing, if you live across the country or the other side of the world don’t fucking challenge me . Also, if you contact me for a match and you have no past opponents, unless you have been on this site for less than three months then please don’t bother me. I am not into what I call’ keyboard warriors ,if you do Contact me with that being said,you’re an asshole. Sorry, just being honest.
After dealing with Lyme's for 35 going on 36 years it has recently started to rear its ugly head.
Developing arthritis as prevented me, somewhat, from rolling around.
My abs ,however ,are in great shape and can still take whatever anybody can throw.
États-Unis - Massachusetts, Somerville
32 / 173 cm / 95 kg
20 adversaires affrontés en 13 annéesRex Heel
États-Unis - Massachusetts, Medford
56 / 175 cm / 98 kg
Dernière connexion: Il y a 2 jours
10 adversaires affrontés en 6 annéessubwrestler47
États-Unis - Connecticut, Norwalk
77 / 185 cm / 82 kg
4 adversaires affrontés en 5 annéesCertains des adversaires affrontés peuvent ne pas apparaître dans la liste ci dessous. Les membres bloqués, suspendus ou en instance de l'être sont masqués.Tu aimes les cyber combats ? Essaye notre site jumelé !CHESTer n'a aucun cyber adversaire.Chargement ...