

Membre depuis 10/6/2024
Age 68
Taille 170 cm
Poids 73 kg
Genre Mec
Tenue Gi, no-gi, speedos
Je parle anglais
Dernière connexion 09/8/2024
Dernière modif 26/6/2024


  1. États-Unis - Virginia, Charlottesville

Je peux aller jusqu'à 50 miles

Adversaires affrontés


Soumission Soumission

Types de match: Application de techniques, Partenaire d'entraînement

Styles de lutte spécifiques: Ju-jitsu brésilien

Combat debout: Pas intéressé par les combats debout

Followers de Funworkout


Starting to get a feel for MF. Good group of guys so far. Hope to meet more in the future.

Looking for cool buds that like to drill and grapple. Enjoy the workout and keeping our skills up. Moderate intensity, working hard but keeping each other safe from injury. I do BJJ but want to grapple in less clothing than a gi. Hoping to learn other styles from the guys on here.

I see a lot of guys put "massage" as one of their interests, I'm not very good at giving one, but damn good at getting one. Enjoy guys with a sense of humor who don't take themselves too seriously. If it's not about fitness and fun, I'm probably not interested. Open to new ideas.


  • ruffhouse30

    SoumissionCatchSeulement spectateur

    États-Unis - Virginia, Richmond

    44 / 183 cm / 93 kg
    12 adversaires affrontés en 13 années

  • sleepermuscle


    États-Unis - Virginia, Louisa County

    56 / 180 cm / 88 kg
    117 adversaires affrontés en 11 années

Funworkout n'a aucun cyber adversaire.
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