
Membre depuis 14.9 ans
Age 73
Taille 170 cm
Poids 84 kg
Genre Mec
Orientation Gay
Rechercher Mec
Tenue trunks, whatever, naked
Je parle anglais, français
Dernière connexion aujourd'hui
Dernière modif 09/2/2025
  1. États-Unis - Tennessee, Morgan County
    Coalfield, TN
  2. États-Unis - Connecticut, Fairfield
    (J'y reste jusqu'à 14/3/2025)
    Fairfield, CT

Je peux aller jusqu'à 300 miles

Adversaires affrontés


I will be able to resume wrestling soon, though not at the balls to the wall style that I so enjoy. It's tough when your body tells you it needs a break, and it's tough to acknowledge that, yes, I am getting older. Regardless, I intend to stay connected to this great sport, if not physically right away, at least socially. So feel free to continue to contact me. I love the conversation, trash talk and idle threats. Hopefully, I will be back on the mats soon.
A few specifics, if I may:
If you don't have a pic on your profile, don't expect a response from me.
Call it discrimination if you like but I prefer to wrestle guys very close to my size, i.e. little fireplugs. Tall lanky guys, really big guys just aren't my cup of tea. Not dissing these guys , you're great, but for me, it's too much of a mismatch.
My partner and I have a ring, a cage with mats, a mud pit. These are not open to just anybody who happens to roll into town unannounced. Don't assume you can just invite yourself here. This is our home, not a public facility. Be considerate, if you plan to be in the area and want to meet, give us a heads up in a reasonable amount of time.
We do not host unless you are very well known to us. We've been burned by guys too many times.
Be honest about what kind of match you want. Please don't say you want a easy going match, and then come in with both barrels blazing. If you prefer it rough, just be upfront about it. We respect your perimeters, and expect the same.

Okay, that's enough of my bitchin'. I used to be a balls to the wall wrestler, but time and injuries have mellowed me. I don't want to hurt anyone, or be hurt. That being said, I can be real aggressive, and enjoy an opponent who can give it back. BUT FIRST AND FOREMOST, WE BOTH NEED TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. I enjoy role play, trash talking etc. Reasonable dirty fighting is fine with me. Sexy is good. When we get together I want us to both have a good time. Any questions, just ask. I don't bite...much.



Soumission Soumission
Catch Catch

Types de match: Even match, Coups pour coups, Jeu de lutte, Application de techniques, Partenaire d'entraînement, Tchat en ligne, Pas intéréssé par le cyber

Styles de lutte spécifiques: Lutte avec coups, Promission, Lutte huile/boue

Combat debout: Pas intéressé par les combats debout

Divers intérêts: Je peux disposer d’un ring, Je peux disposer de tapis, Amitié, Suis heel, Gages

Fetichisme: Lutte pour vaincre, Branle, Lutte nue, Gut punching, Jeux de tétons, CBT (Torture B***/C***), Rip and strip

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HunPagan n'a aucun cyber adversaire.
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