
Membre depuis 8.9 ans
Age 44
Taille 180 cm
Poids 86 kg
Genre Mec
Orientation Bisexuel
Rechercher Homme ou Femme
Tenue Singlets, Speedos, Lycra, Naked
Je parle anglais, irlandais (gaélique)
Dernière connexion Il y a 12 jours
Dernière modif 30/5/2022
  1. Royaume-Uni, Royal Borough of Greenwich, England

Adversaires affrontés


Olympique / Gréco-romaine Olympique / Gréco-romaine
Soumission Soumission
Catch Catch
Seulement spectateur Seulement spectateur

Types de match: Even match, Coups pour coups, Jeu de lutte, Combats en équipe, Partenaire d'entraînement

Styles de lutte spécifiques: Catch anglais, Lutte piscine, Lutte huile/boue

Combat debout: Matchs style UFC/MMA

Divers intérêts: Massage, Gages

Fetichisme: Cherche sexe, Branle, Spandex, Fringues de lutte, Lutte nue, Cock Fighting, Rip and strip, Musculation

Followers de IRLguy


Recovered after a bad knee ligament injury, but not looking for anything too competitive anymore - gotta look after these old bones. Still up for erotic grappling with in-shape guys.

Lately, there seems to be more and more negativity on here, and people taking great offence to not receiving replies. To that I would say, I apologise for not replying, but I am not REQUIRED to reply to every message I receive. For wrestlers, some people would do well to grow thicker skin. If I continue to be threatened that I’m “known for bad manners”, when it is other people choosing to take offence to not receiving a reply, I think I’ll say goodbye to MF. I have had some great matches and made some friends for life, but I won’t be bullied and made to feel bad for other people’s personal issues.

I have since reported the user in question (I won’t name them, as I hope the admin team will deal with this issue privately), and sent his abusive messages to them to review.

Have fun on here - that’s supposed to be the point.


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Chargement ...
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