Jeremy Tyler


Membre depuis 4.8 ans
Age 42
Taille 183 cm
Poids 90 kg
Genre Mec
Rechercher Mec
Tenue Singlets, Shorts, Nude
Je parle anglais, espagnol, grec
Dernière connexion aujourd'hui
Dernière modif 21/1/2022
WatchFighters Jeremy_Tyler
  1. États-Unis - Florida, West Park
    (J'y reste jusqu'à 30/4/2024)
  2. États-Unis - New York, New York

Je peux aller jusqu'à 100 miles

Adversaires affrontés


Olympique / Gréco-romaine Olympique / Gréco-romaine
Soumission Soumission
Combat complet Combat complet

Types de match: Even match, Coups pour coups, Partenaire d'entraînement, Pas intéréssé par le cyber

Styles de lutte spécifiques: Ju-jitsu brésilien, Bras de fer, Lutte huile/boue

Divers intérêts: Massage, Amitié, Echange de photos, Gages

Fetichisme: Cherche sexe, Lutte pour vaincre, Branle, Lutte nue, Gut punching, Jeux de tétons, Cock Fighting, Rip and strip, Musculation

Followers de Jeremy Tyler


Site web

There is nothing hotter than two alpha studs battling for dominance ending with the beta stud having to pay for losing. I used to wrestle for Naked Kombat as well as did scenes for several other companies until a situation in my life changed everything and precluded me from being able to continue. It wasn't an injury but trying not not think about it. Several of you know about it and thank you for all the support to pick up the pieces and not look back.

After a break to regroup and recover, I am ready to come back to recorded matches and am looking to start in 2022. I think this new project will make the past scenes look like amateur hour. I have been working out hard af since I want to make sure to be an alpha stud again and also that the recorded matches are always eventful.

My main picture is from December 2021. Thank you for all the compliments and support for the hard work of getting back into shape and making me a favorite. I have been fortunate to wrestle extremely sexy guys on camera as well as off and hope to continue to pick up where I left off.
Check me out on WatchFighters

I love submission wrestling with or without body punches. I love sweat almost as much as sex but it does not have to be sexual. I like guys of all ages. I also like sexy, in shape guys with nice cocks to cock fight if the chemistry is right.

Thank you for reaching out and look forward to meeting.

Jeremy Tyler

P.S. I've been so busy with work, end of my last year of culinary school and launching this new wrestling video project. However my Inbox is back to a manageable size. I should be able to respond faster. HURRAY!!!!

Thank you guys for your patience and check me out on WatchFighters


Certains des adversaires affrontés peuvent ne pas apparaître dans la liste ci dessous. Les membres bloqués, suspendus ou en instance de l'être sont masqués.
Jeremy Tyler n'a aucun cyber adversaire.
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