- États-Unis - Texas, Nederland
Place of residence
Je peux recevoir (Hébergement)
Combat complet
Kickboxing/Boxe thaï
Seulement spectateur
Types de match: Combats en équipe, 2 contre 1, Partenaire d'entraînement, Combats en extérieur, Cherche entraineur
Styles de lutte spécifiques: Ju-jitsu brésilien, Assister à des matchs, Lutte huile/boue
Combat debout: Matchs style UFC/MMA, Karaté, Taekwondo
Divers intérêts: Massage, Amitié, Relation, Suis jobber, Gages
Fetichisme: Lutte pour vaincre, Branle, Cuir, Fringues de boxe, Fringues de lutte, Lutte nue, Gut punching, Jeux de tétons, CBT (Torture B***/C***), Rip and strip, Musculation
Had some brief training in Muay Thai earlier this year and would like to continue training. Have been interested in combat sports for a long time and now that I've had a taste I want more. Very interested in receiving (and giving) gutpunching, jobbing, and receiving punishment in a combat sport situations with the potential for it to transition in a bdsm scenario. I am still 100% down to meet up and train/fight/jerk/edge ect with out the need for bdsm.
Beyond that, I am generally interested learning to fight better, It's not exclusively sexual for me. Although I'm interested in jobbing, I'm not a wet blanket that's just going to stand there and lose, I am very competitive and want to make you work for it. Would love to meet fighters with more experience and learn from them, especially for boxing, muay thai, and karate/taekwondo.