
Membre depuis 14.8 ans
Age 36
Taille 185 cm
Poids 77 kg
Genre Mec
Orientation Gay
Rechercher Mec
Tenue Shorts, Singlet, Puphood, Jocks and whatever else~
Dernière connexion Il y a 6 jours
Dernière modif 22/5/2024
  1. États-Unis - California, Pacifica
    I Live Here Now!
  2. États-Unis - New York, City of New York
    (du 17/2/2024 au 19/2/2024)
    Visiting for WrestleFest 2024. Message Me for Matches! Pro, Promission, GP, Submission and boxing!

Je peux aller jusqu'à 100 miles

Adversaires affrontés


Olympique / Gréco-romaine Olympique / Gréco-romaine
Soumission Soumission
Combat complet Combat complet
Catch Catch
Boxe Boxe
Kickboxing/Boxe thaï Kickboxing/Boxe thaï
Judo Judo
Seulement spectateur Seulement spectateur

Types de match: Even match, Coups pour coups, Squash match, Application de techniques, Combats en équipe, Partenaire d'entraînement, Combats en extérieur, Tchat en ligne, Aime lutte cyber

Styles de lutte spécifiques: Lutte avec coups, Assister à des matchs, Lutte piscine, Lutte huile/boue

Divers intérêts: Massage, Amitié, Relation, Echange de photos

Fetichisme: Lutte pour vaincre, Spandex, Lutte nue, Gut punching, Cock Fighting, Piétinement, Face sitting, Rip and strip, Musculation

Followers de SeonCruz


Site web

Not exactly new to the site anymore. Friendly guy that might have a competitive streak in him when it comes to hitting the mats! :D

So yeah. Just looking to roll around, lock in some holds and see where the match takes us! All in good fun. Got a few match pics up here as well if you wanna take a look at those... Check em out!

Anyway, wanna get in contact with me(And I really hope that you do!) Hit me up at [email protected] It's faster than me checking the site so yeah!

Also, for contact you can hit up my twitter @lprdafterdark or

And of course, Please Keep In Mind that if I didn't wanna get to know people, I wouldn't be on this site! <3!

Hope to see ya soon! And hopefully on the mats! <3 Also if you think i’m hot, msg me :D Compliments make me wag! :3!


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