

Membre depuis 4.3 ans
Age 35
Taille 175 cm
Poids 79 kg
Genre Mec
Tenue Like to go in a singlet or a jock xD
Je parle anglais
Dernière connexion hier
Dernière modif 08/4/2021


  1. États-Unis - Ohio, Union Township
  2. États-Unis - Ohio, Miami Township

Adversaires affrontés


Soumission Soumission

Types de match: Even match, Squash match, Jeu de lutte, Pas intéréssé par le cyber

Fetichisme: Pas de sexe, Lutte nue, Piétinement, Face sitting

Followers de Smotherem4good


Site web

Hey guys. Names Jacob. Been into facesitting and smothering for a long time. One of my favorite pins is to get someone under my ass and make em suffer. But I'm also really big into being forced into same. If I'm honest I'd prefer wrestler a little ripe.. but I'll wrestle clean. Just more humiliating in stink submission and forced to inhale ass. Please feel free to reach out if ya wanna chat or like to meet up for a stinkface match or something. Let me know.

Also...I CAN HOST.


Smotherem4good n'a aucun cyber adversaire.
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