
Membre depuis 4.0 ans
Age 35
Taille 185 cm
Poids 107 kg
Genre Mec
Orientation Gay
Tenue singlet, jock, shorts, underwear, speedos
Dernière connexion hier
Dernière modif 28/9/2024


  1. États-Unis - Virginia, Louisa County
    Place of Residence

Je peux aller jusqu'à 100 miles

Adversaires affrontés


Soumission Soumission
Catch Catch

Types de match: Even match, Coups pour coups, Squash match, Jeu de lutte, Combats en équipe, 2 contre 1

Divers intérêts: Amitié, Suis heel, Suis jobber, Gages

Fetichisme: Branle, Fringues de lutte, Lutte nue, Jeux de tétons, Rip and strip, Musculation

Followers de Twizzle


Wrestled a few times so far and enjoying it the more time goes on. Enjoy somewhat competitive matches or complete squash matches where I'm a jobber. Willing to try a lot of moves out and see how much of a tolerance for holds my body has. Couple of my favorites are sleepers, camel clutch, bearhugs, just to name a few. Getting more interested in trying out the pro fantasy side of things as well.

Overall, just trying to meet like minded guys for chat and see if we could get a match in sometime.


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Twizzle n'a aucun cyber adversaire.
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