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Membre depuis 9.6 ans
Age 54
Taille 175 cm
Poids 116 kg
Genre Mec
Orientation Gay
Rechercher Mec
Tenue Up to you
Je parle anglais
Dernière connexion aujourd'hui
Dernière modif 23/1/2023


  1. États-Unis - Wisconsin, Village of Weston
    Mandalay bay

Je peux aller jusqu'à 300 miles
Je peux recevoir (Hébergement)

Adversaires affrontés


Soumission Soumission
Combat complet Combat complet
Catch Catch
Boxe Boxe

Types de match: Coups pour coups, Squash match, Jeu de lutte, 2 contre 1, Tchat en ligne, Tchat téléphone, Aime lutte cyber

Divers intérêts: Amitié, Relation, Suis heel, Suis jobber, Gages

Followers de spida1


I'm starting to get back into wrestling. I have done a lot of role-playing and play matches which are fun and I will always enjoy them I'm also look at getting back into some real wrestling matches as well. I enjoy being the dominant heel against younger smaller guys. Also good with back and forth and if you are a bigger guy I am more likely to play the jobber role. If you have a specific interest please let me know, I'm open to most things. I am getting more and more into boxing lately. I travel quite a bit for work, so the entire United States is in play for me. Other than that, just be nice if we're going to meet.


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