- 27/11/2018
- Claymont open house 12/1
Proposé par MulemanLooking forward to meeting some new friends at the asylum this Saturday 12/1. Who is going to be there? - 25/11/2018
- The Amateur Kid Photographer!
Proposé par videostar07So, I have a proposition for anyone who wishes for this to be done! If you want “amateur” professional pictures done by yours truly, send a message. - 24/11/2018
- Matches without communication?
Proposé par osakarobI'm curious to know about experiences folks have had wrestling opponents when there was no shared language. - 22/11/2018
- 20/11/2018
- How far would you travel for a match?
Proposé par osakarobThe holiday season unofficially begins this week in the U.S. with the start of theThanksgiving holiday. - 16/11/2018
- Why are we here?
Proposé par JHK49Why does a person join a site like Meetfighters? I can’t speak for anyone else, but I joined for the primary purpose of getting some great exercise, - 12/11/2018
- 09/11/2018
- Among Olympic champions?
Proposé par alpinisto28 months earlier I had planned to visit Alain in Paris, but even though I then had booked the flight to Paris I had had to cancel that visit because - 07/11/2018
- Update-11/7/18
Proposé par midwestheelI know in my last entry, I said I'd be ready to kick some ass, however, due to self-imposed restrictions, to all you guys outside of the Milwaukee, WI - 04/11/2018
- 03/11/2018
- Boston Crab in competitive match? How?
Proposé par davey123Crab during competitive match. Hi Guys, I've been asked the same question quite a few times now, and heard various opinions on the subject too. - 01/11/2018
- match with tuffenough
Proposé par Florida BeastHad a hot match with this Stud! Very physical and tough All man Definitely recommend him if you are looking for a tough and rough guy He's your man - 01/11/2018
- Medical Update- 11/1/2018
Proposé par midwestheelGood news, guys....... CT scan results are in..... all clear! SO now that I'm in the clear. - 31/10/2018
- Venous Stasis and going Vegan
Proposé par wvguyVenous Stasis and going Vegan ''I wasn’t going to post this here but I had a member reach out to me asking me about my venous insufficiency and venous stasis. - 30/10/2018
- I Draw YOU - The Outcome
Proposé par FighterGuyyTwo weeks ago, [[|I promised I would draw you]]. So I did! - 28/10/2018
- A German interlude
Proposé par alpinistoMy initial idea of getting to wrestle at least once in every calendar month had failed. - 27/10/2018
- 27/10/2018
- Medical Update- 10/27/2018
Proposé par midwestheelThis is gonna be a very brief update. I originally had a CT scan scheduled for this upcoming Friday, but I managed to get the test moved up to this Tuesday, October 30th.