Hunnog is recommended by militaire (25/10/2013)
Very strong, incerdible!!!
Une force incroyable... faut le voir pour le croire....
A recommander
GutPunch562 is recommended by Guysmiley (25/10/2013)
After several months of trying to schedule a meet up, the stars finally aligned and with no notice, we were finally able to accomplish what had come to seem impossible. I must say, his pics do him little justice. Imagine when I opened the hotel door to this mass of muscle standing there shirtless. I swear it made me gulp. I learned something new from him, which was taking gut punches without flexing. A whole new experience for me. Though our time was cut short due to a "sewage" mess on his end, all in all, a good time, but I look forward to our next unscheduled meet up.
Scrapmerchant 1 is recommended by Perseus (24/10/2013)
This one long overdue:
A fantastic aggressive resilient wrestler who is awesome to fight. If u haven't wrestled this tuff nut you have missed out big- time. He's more skilled then he reckons probably one of the best pound to pound fighters out there. There will be many more scraps between us to come for sure. Off mats definitely one of the nicest blokes u ever likely to meet and hit the pub with. Wrestle him or miss out !!
flexiwrestler is recommended by Ringkid (24/10/2013)
I met Flexiwrestler earlier this year. It was remiss of me not to post a recommendation. Sorry mate. I had a excellent time with Flexiwrestler both on and off the mats. A superb jobber with some fight...he is def flexible and doesn't submit easily. I had a fantastic time. Off the mates he is polite, easy going and a very genuine lad. Hope we lock up again.
cripplerUSA is recommended by Senior Bear (24/10/2013)
big, tough, competitive man, but safe sane, respects limits, a gent off the mats.
Wrestlertoo is recommended by Riviera Wrestle (24/10/2013)
We had a fun and well disputed wrestle session. Wrestlertoo has lots of stamina and very nice body too ! My size !!! (which is not that often). Anyway it was a great time on and off mats. He is also a very interesting, cultured and well travelled man with a highly entertaining conversation. In short, a great guy...
Toughwrestler is recommended by dag (23/10/2013)
Toughwrestler est un mec bien sympathique avec un bon sens d'humour. C'est un des rares parisiens qui garde sa parole et fait tout le possible pour que la rencontre ait lieu. Il est agile et connaît bien les techniques. Il fallait faire bien attention pour échapper à ses prises. Merci pour être venu et pour cette belle rencontre.
French wrestler is recommended by ATONMAN (23/10/2013)
We had great fun on the mats and FW is very competitive. Challenge him
growin dude is recommended by celtwrestle (23/10/2013)
This dude is muscle packed and likes to punish with bear hugs and can slam a opponent as easily or harsh as he wants. Chirpy, talky character too who is polite on and off the mats even when he's trapped in submission. We had a good brawl despite my tiredness after a flight. More of a muscular mauler than grappler, but great fun and tough all the same.
littleforbigg is recommended by Karl1955 (23/10/2013)
Small v. Big - he had not necessarily a chance, but it was an interesting experiment. We still had a lot of fun together on the mat. Even outside of the mat I could have a good time with him. Had my English better, the conversation would have been more interesting. Who will accept a love of body size relatively small people, it should definitely get to know.