llama4711 is recommended by Tomkat44 (23/9/2012)
Für meinen ersten Fight die richtige Wahl. llama4711 ist ein guter Gastgeber und zäher Kämpfer. Wir haben über vier Stunden gekämpft und uns nichts geschenkt. A lot of fun for both. Auch wenn er heute meistens unterlegen war, freue ich mich auf ein Re-Match. Ich glaube, er ist immer für eine Überraschung gut. Zuverlässig und hält sich an Absprachen.
wrestlingkit is recommended by 1try2pinme8 (23/9/2012)
I wrestled Carlos in BCN a few years ago and can only repeat what everybody else is saying. He is a very strong and very skilled wrestler. On top of that he is very sexy and a charming and genuinely fantastic guy to spend time with. I had a fat grin on my face for the following week in Catalunia. Great great guy and a must meet in BCN. Hope to meet him again one day.
RuffTouch is recommended by greekwrestler (23/9/2012)
Very strong guy for his size, nice guy, you must wrestle. I owe him revenge soon
mackemsub is recommended by MEGRAPPLE (22/9/2012)
Wrestled "Britpro" earlier today. Had a real good wrestle. I had to think about gaining the upper hand and submissions. "Britpro" is strong and knows a few good moves, which when applied had the maximum effect. The man is safe and sane and loves to wrestle.
subscapuk is recommended by daniellibra1986 (21/9/2012)
a good one hella strong lad! for whoever for up for the real hard bout, he is the one you should meet!
ProTrunks is recommended by manchesterwrestler (21/9/2012)
Really nice guy. Very easy to talk to out of ring and great fun in the ring. Not seen him in a while so hopefully that will be rectified . :)
extralarge is recommended by tuviaz (21/9/2012)
ExtraLarge was one of the nicest surprises during my visit in Athens. He is a strong wrestler, with good moves and very powerful upper boddy and legs.
We tried a variety of holds, and he certainly managed to submit me in many of them.
in addition, he is a great guy, very polite , a person you could talk with even after the match. I will be happy to meet him again in the future.
prosub is recommended by Perseus (21/9/2012)
I've wrestled prosub several times and he always brings it to the mats. strong competitive and skilled our bouts are always hard sweaty and plenty of verbal. Off mats great easy going relaxed bloke and definitely one to meet. Always has my recommendation..
polyethylene33 is recommended by lumanis (20/9/2012)
Sans doute le meilleur adversaire qui soit : très fort, mais complètement respectueux de l'adversaire, il s'adapte. C'est à la fois pédagogique et très sportif car il ne se laisse pas faire pour autant.
Bref, recommandation maximale, un gars en or.
ChiWrestler is recommended by GrapplerNY (20/9/2012)
One of the best around. If you're in Chicago, don't miss him!