boxinboy82 is recommended by boxer1 (31/12/2011)
i've known this guy for years and he's a good friend of mine...not to mention he can take a good punch up.
wrestler2000 is recommended by pouochh (30/12/2011)
Dear Wrestler2000, Thank you so much for a great great time on and off the mattress (super king size ;))
This tough pinner laid my shoulders to the ground time after time, and his resilience and willingness to roll around submission style, which is not his preference, was as admirable as it was FUN FUN FUN!
wrestlerdu is recommended by g6fighter (30/12/2011)
Willkommen bei allFighters.
Es war echt eine geile Überraschung für mich, als wir Anfang Oktober zum ersten Mal uns auf meiner Matte gegenüberstanden.
pure Ringer-Wahnsinn - Charisma, geistreich, natürlich, kampfstark, geiler Kampfbody - eine gefährliche Kombination, der man(n) nur chancenlos gegenüberstehen kann :-).
Hoffe auf viele Wiederholungen.
Welcome to AllFighters.
It was really a cool surprise for me when we start in October for the first time we faced on my mat.
The pure wrestling madness - charisma, witty, naturally, strong in the tackle, horny body fight - a dangerous combination, where one is only chanceless.
Hope to many repetitions.
Mark uk is recommended by ArmwrestleAndMore (30/12/2011)
I have only met Mark once for a brief match at the Eagle. Was enough, however, to discover that he is a good wrestler. Strong and skilled. Off the mats he is very friendly and good to chat to.
I am hoping that we manage a long, hard-fought match during 2012
LA Bull Wrestler is recommended by rassler 315 (30/12/2011)
The Hungarian HAMMER - as i know him...has faced off w/ the Mizzouri Grizzly three times. He is one of the biggest, beefiest, brawling bears you could ever meet.
Strong, good endurance, likes to own the action, but he's found the GRIZZ a bit hard to tame...he get's mauled and still comes back for more.
He's a welcome site on my mats anytime. A true gentleman, competitor, and friend.
jeunelutteurparis is recommended by Mirceal (29/12/2011)
Un petit mec bien sympa qui sait opposer une bonne résistance et faire preuve d'une force assez étonnante ...
Bon délire même si je ne suis pas un poney ;)
Ma fierté contre lui ? Lui avoir fait mon premier torture rack ...
fr judoka is recommended by louisfight (29/12/2011)
encore un adversaire redoutable costaud puissant massif technique qui vous maîtrisera sans problème ...
aucune crainte régulier aucun risque
lutte bien sympa a renouveler très rapidement ?
Mirceal is recommended by jeunelutteurparis (29/12/2011)
Very nice, strong and cute boy looking for real fight. Had great time with him! He is also doing great massage, you should test!
Mirceal is recommended by frenchprowrestler (29/12/2011)
Sous des airs de grand enfant sportif, Mirceal cache un moteur avec une grande réserve ! C'est un très bon lutteur qui sait y faire et prendre son temps en ayant une très bonne maîtrise de lui-même pour attendre le bon moment et y aller comme un lutteur de grappling qui va étouffer son adversaire dès qu'il le pourra. Bref il sait donner du fil à retordre. Alors les lutteurs, foncez ! Vous passerez un bon moment de lutte.
Don't hesitate to contact this young good looking wrestler who will give you hard time on the mats and who is always ready to take advantage of any of your weaknesses !
Realmente vale la pena luchar con Mirceal. Aunque no lo parece tanto, tiene reservas y esta muy pronto para darle la vuelta al combate cuando uno se deja distraer. Este pequeño lobo esta siempre preparado para salir del bosque y tomar la direccion de la victoria.
louisfight is recommended by fr judoka (29/12/2011)
Merci pour ton accueil très sympathique et pour le moment de lutte bien sympa ! Comme l'ont écrit beaucoup d'autres, extrêmement recommandable !