
bullneck is recommended by jagdo (01/9/2019)

Got the privilege to hit this powerful massive musclebeast for some rough play. He is a very skilled and incredibly strong boxer, wrestler and fighter. Be sure to have him set on a “safe mode” before fighting. You’ve been warned!
Off the mat a very intelligent and nice person to spend quality time with. Overall an intense powerful experience!


jagdo is recommended by bullneck (01/9/2019)

Jagdo is a very strong, quick and tough fighter. I got many bruises from our powerful, rough and great brawl. Be in a good shape when challenging this wild bull on the mats - and gentleman off the mats.


nowheretogo is recommended by SePH14 (01/9/2019)

I had an awesome match with nowheretogo. Truly one of the best matches I've had until now.

Although he hasn't formally trained, he knows how to use his size, strength and legs to his advantage. When he wants you to tap, he will make you tap. All in all, it was definitely a safe, fun and challenging roll.

He's also a great host and cool guy off the mats. The cherry on top was the cold beer after the match. 🍻

If you've got the chance to meet him, seize the opportunity. I'm definitely up for a rematch (and this time not after having had a block of night shifts 😂).

Das Treffen mit nowheretogo war eins von den besten, was ich bis jetzt gehabt habe. Der ist stark, versiert, hat einen guten Ausdauer und kämpft hart aber safe. Ein top Gastgeber und ein richtig cooler Typ. Nur zu empfehlen 🍻


Swissbear is recommended by marko75 (01/9/2019)

Erstmal vielen Dank für das Treffen. Nicht alle Tage kommen Kerle extra aus dem Ausland zum Date auf die Matte. Swissbear ist ein ordentlicher Bulle der alles von mir abverlangt hat. Er dominiert gerne Kerle - was sicherlich bei mir nicht ganz so einfach war. Seine Art zu Ringen ist sehr angenehm und gleichzeitig sehr schweißtreibend. Lange Haltegriffe, super Ausdauer sind garantiert - insgesamt einfach „lecker“.
Ihn zur Aufgabe zu zwingen ist extrem schwierig, ein so „zähes Kampfbärchen“ ist sehr selten. Es war ein Genuss auf der Matte und ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald wieder. Und dann verhau mich. 🙊🤓👍🏻


IKBER is recommended by StrongGrapplerLondon (01/9/2019)

A very strong and determined wrestler. We had fun! Looking forward to a proper scrap sometime in a mat space in Berlin maybe. Pleasure to meet him.


wrestleguyb is recommended by bearohio (01/9/2019)

Had a great two-hours of back and forth wrestling Very nice guy. Strong and kind. Easy to set up a match with. Very good workout. Highly recommend. Looking forward to our next match.


thetallwrestler is recommended by jobberpunk (01/9/2019)

I've actually known thetallwrestler for 15 years and consider him a good friend, but we haven't wrestled for the last 10-12. We got in the ring together recently, though, and had a hell of a match. He beat the living shit out of me (which I'd asked for) and also gave me some pointers (which I also asked for). I'd been accusing him for years of being too nice to be a proper heel, and he made sure to disabuse me of that notion (although even the brutal stomps he dished out won't stop me from continuing those accusations). If you want to wrestle a super-hot stud who knows his pro and knows what he's doing, do whatever you can to wrestle thetallwrestler.


sagittaron2 is recommended by Amanoyako (01/9/2019)

Un bon gros coup de coeur , pour ce combattant aussi redoutable sur le tapis que adorable dans la vie . On sera amené à se voir très régulièrement alors , fais gaffe je compte bien l’emporter de plus en plus contre toi ☺️😋


BoxerGr is recommended by Lowerhold (01/9/2019)

Excellent fighter and a very strong man. He will get you in many ways and while he is hard to put him down. Great fighting techniques. Dont get fooled, this man can easily make you lose in no time. Also a great person.


Boxer350 is recommended by tap out tyler (01/9/2019)

He's relatively new to wrestling, but watch out - he's an incredibly fast learner to it! I really enjoyed wrestling him and teaching/trading off moves. He's got a lot of energy, and he's a super fun guy to chat with. Really looking forward to our next match.
