

Membre depuis 11.5 ans
Age 52
Taille 188 cm
Poids 150 kg
Genre Mec
Rechercher Mec
Tenue Singlet, jock, squarecuts, nude
Je parle anglais
Dernière connexion hier
Dernière modif 05/3/2023


  1. États-Unis - Alabama, Decatur

Je peux aller jusqu'à 100 kms
Je peux recevoir (Hébergement)

Adversaires affrontés


Soumission Soumission
Combat complet Combat complet
Catch Catch
Sumo Sumo
Seulement spectateur Seulement spectateur

Types de match: Even match, Coups pour coups, Jeu de lutte, Application de techniques, Tchat en ligne, Tchat téléphone

Styles de lutte spécifiques: Bras de fer, Lutte piscine, Lutte huile/boue

Divers intérêts: Amitié, Echange de photos

Fetichisme: Branle, Fringues de lutte, Lutte nue, Cock Fighting, Musculation

Followers de MSBlkMuscle


I know I haven't updated my profile with any new pics in a while basically due to my having been out of the gym for the past year I have been embarrassed to take any new ones.

As of March 5, 2023 I am no longer looking for matches/meetups because I have too much happening in my personal life.

Between my job taking up way too much of my time to looking for another job so I can live with my mom who is having some memory issues I no longer have time to meet up for matches

I will keep my account active to keep in touch with fans and wrestlers that I am following so don't be afraid to hit me up sometime but don't get upset if it takes me a while before I respond because I won't be checking my profile as often as I once did.


MSBlkMuscle n'a aucun cyber adversaire.
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
A Little Pec Flexing
820 views 15/5/2019 11:24