- Royaume-Uni, Swansea, Cymru / Wales
Place of residence
Je peux aller jusqu'à 200 miles
Je peux recevoir (Hébergement)
Seulement spectateur
Types de match: Even match, Coups pour coups, Squash match, Jeu de lutte, Application de techniques, Combats en équipe, 2 contre 1, Combats en extérieur, Pas intéréssé par le cyber
Styles de lutte spécifiques: Catch anglais, Assister à des matchs, Lutte huile/boue
Divers intérêts: Amitié, Suis heel, Suis jobber
Fetichisme: Branle, Lutte nue, Cock Fighting, Fetich. pieds
Older guy into erotic submission wrestling. Not out to prove anything, just want to enjoy a friendly, non-competitive wrestle.
But if you just want to meet up over a coffee and chat about wrestling, that's cool too as long as you can put up with the fact that I am very hard of hearing.
I am also very happily partnered with WELSHOTTER, so I am not looking for a relationship.
One last thing. I have been astonished to see that there really are creeps out there who think they can arrange a meet without exchanging face pics. Don't even try
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